Search Result for “unidentified man”

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Spies in the sky blowin' in the wind

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/02/2023

» The current "balloon" wars have been quite entertaining in a weird sort of way with a strange mix of espionage, propaganda and porky pies that are just enough to capture the public's imagination. Perhaps secretly we would like one of these unidentified flying objects (UFO) to be something a bit more mysterious than simply a common weather balloon. But we haven't quite yet reached the "little green men" stage.



The moon and the city noodle shop

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/07/2019

» Unless you have been in hibernation you will be aware that yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Every newspaper and television network has been bombarding us with tales featuring small steps, giant leaps, eagles landing, lift-offs and splashdowns.



Summertime, and the livin' ain't easy

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/02/2019

» According to the Meteorological Department, Thailand's summer officially began last Thursday, amidst warnings that this year it will be even more torrid than ever. So you can put away your fur coats, scarves, snow boots and thermal underwear for the time being. While sweltering heat is not exactly welcome news, it hardly comes as a surprise. It is a trifle absurd to complain about the heat in Thailand. After all, that's what happens in the tropics -- it gets a bit steamy.