Search Result for “trillion baht”

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Why Thailand must protect its international reserves

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 04/11/2015

» On the basis of its international reserve holdings of over $160 billion (4.4 trillion baht), Thailand has been a member of the rich-nation club for many years now.


Big ideas like Kra Canal take guts to follow through on

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 07/01/2015

» With attention focused largely on holiday celebrations in the past couple of weeks, most Thais probably missed the news about a milestone event in Nicaragua just before Christmas. The event was a groundbreaking ceremony, commencing the construction of the Nicaragua Canal linking the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean.


An end to wasteful spending is the key to real reform

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 03/09/2014

» The National Legislative Assembly is considering a 2.57-trillion-baht budget for the next fiscal year proposed by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). This budget will incur a national deficit of 250 billion baht. Members of the National Reform Assembly — the body charged with spelling out reforms to be undertaken in 11 areas stipulated by the NCPO — have not yet been selected, so how the new budget will be adjusted to accommodate the changes is not clear. If the government is serious about its reform it must start during the coming fiscal year. That should lead to a lower deficit than projected.


Debt aside, economy looks a lot like Greece's

News, Sawai Boonma, Published on 01/05/2013

» When the current eurozone crisis reached Greece, many Thais asked whether what was happening over there could happen here.