Search Result for “trade war”

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Harsh US economic blockades risk provoking war

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 03/07/2019

» US President Donald Trump has based his foreign policy on a series of harsh economic blockades, each designed to frighten, coerce, and even starve the target country into submitting to American demands. While the practice is less violent than a military attack, and the blockade is through financial means rather than the navy, the consequences are often dire for civilian populations. As such, economic blockades by the United States should be scrutinised by the United Nations Security Council under international law and the UN Charter.



Will US economic illiteracy trigger a trade war?

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 24/04/2017

» Nearly 100 days after US President Donald Trump took office, he and his commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, continue to commit an economic fallacy that first-year economics students learn to avoid. They claim that America's current-account deficit (or trade deficit), which is in fact the result of America's low and falling saving rate, is an indicator of unfair trade practices by Germany and China, two current-account surplus countries. Their embrace of economic ignorance could lead to disaster.



Actions of West led to blowback terrorism

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 24/11/2015

» Terrorist attacks on civilians, whether the downing over Sinai of a Russian aircraft killing 224 civilian passengers, the horrific Paris massacre claiming 129 innocent lives, or the tragic bombing in Ankara that killed 102 peace activists, are crimes against humanity. Their perpetrators -- in this case, the Islamic State (IS) -- must be stopped. Success will require a clear understanding of the roots of this ruthless network of jihadists.


Attacks' roots are Middle East wars

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 20/01/2015

» French Prime Minister Manuel Valls was not speaking metaphorically when he said that France is at war with radical Islam. There is, indeed, a fully-fledged war underway, and the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris were part of it. Yet, like most wars, this one is about more than religion, fanaticism, and ideology. It is also about geopolitics, and its ultimate solution lies in geopolitics as well.


China takes over as new global leader

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 29/11/2014

» The biggest economic news of the year came almost without notice: China has overtaken the United States as the world's largest economy, according to the scorekeepers at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). And, while China's geopolitical status is rising rapidly, alongside its economic might, the US continues to squander its global leadership, owing to the unchecked greed of its political and economic elites and the self-made trap of perpetual war in the Middle East.


Let the Middle East govern itself

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 05/09/2014

» It is time for the United States and other powers to let the Middle East govern itself in line with national sovereignty and the United Nations charter. As the US contemplates yet another round of military action in Iraq and intervention in Syria, it should recognise two basic truths.


Ebola shows need for health rethink

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 19/08/2014

» The horrific Ebola epidemic in at least four West African countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria) demands not only an emergency response to halt the outbreak; it also calls for rethinking some basic assumptions of global public health.


Putin’s perilous road leads to ruin

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 02/05/2014

» The dangers of the crisis in Ukraine cannot be exaggerated. Russian President Vladimir Putin is overtly and covertly inciting separatism in eastern Ukraine, and has declared Russia’s unilateral right to intervene there, in complete contravention of international law. Russia’s provocative policies are putting it on a collision course with the West.


In the sochi ERA, Russia thrives

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 23/02/2014

» The Winter Olympics in Sochi are the first to be hosted by Russia since the Cold War-era Moscow Summer Games in 1980. Obviously, much has changed politically in the interim. But today's Games create an opportune moment to look back at Russia's recent economic history _ and to peer forward.