Search Result for “tourists”

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The road to nowhere

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 22/02/2013

» Since you all faithfully follow my life-changing columns each week, you probably know that it has been a while since I used this space to rant and rave about the horrendous driving habits in Thailand.


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 15/02/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Safety first?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 25/01/2013

» Depending on who you ask, Bangkok is an amazing/horrible, peaceful/chaotic, idyllic/nightmarish place to live. Just like every other developing city, we have our share of problems. And just like every other developing city, we try to improve our surroundings and protect people from harm.


It's not your fault you're annoying!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 04/01/2013

» My New Year's resolution was to be less angry all the time and to not let little annoyances get to me. As it turns out, no one else in Bangkok seemed inclined to make a resolution to stop doing things that piss me off, so here I am again, overworking my middle finger and spending all my time planning how I'm going to exact revenge on the co-worker that keeps commenting on my weight (probably by rigging the printer so there's a paper jam every time she needs to use it, muahaha).


Do not pass go

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 31/08/2012

» Great news, people! You can now cross "taxi driver" off the list of people who constantly reject your advances because starting from tomorrow (Sep 1), traffic police are going to arrest and fine cabbies who refuse service to passengers.


How to be the worst tuk-tuk driver ever

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 29/06/2012

» Regular readers of this column will know that I've written before about my intense hatred of anything road-related in Bangkok. But since it would be silly of me to assume that anyone remembers what I write - or reads anything I write - let me elaborate.


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 06/04/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 10/02/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 20/01/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Moving targets

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 06/01/2012

» Dear tuk-tuk driver who almost ran me over this morning,