Search Result for “tourism recovery”

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Thailand at the crossroads in seeking sustainable economic development

Business, Prasarn Trairatvorakul, Published on 01/10/2014

» Imagine yourself embarking on an important challenge, perhaps a new job with demanding responsibilities. Naturally, you may feel a little nervous, as there is no guarantee that the new venture will be a successful one. A transition to a successful career consists of three stages. The first is to familiarise yourself with this new environment — to get to know new colleagues, to learn about the culture of the workplace, basically to settle in.



Managing the economy at a crossroads

News, Prasarn Trairatvorakul, Published on 04/07/2014

» The buildup of political tension late last year came at an unfortunate time for the economy. Economic activity was already hampered by weak domestic demand amid high household debt and a lacklustre global economy. As the political uncertainties persisted, the repercussions on consumer and business confidence grew, denting private consumption and investment.


Thailand’s economy derives strength from within

News, Prasarn Trairatvorakul, Published on 21/03/2014

» Growth last year of 2.9% disappointed many, as most analysts had been expecting 4% to 5% growth at the beginning of 2013.