Search Result for “time”

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The Murakami machine marches on

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 08/09/2014

» Haruki Murakami had an epiphany during a baseball game at Jingu Stadium in Tokyo in April, 1978. He was 29 and the game was between the Yakult Swallows and the Hiroshima Toyo Carp. When player Dave Hilton hit the first ball into left field, Murakami was struck by a sudden realisation that he was going to write a book. He started writing that day.



Don't stop the presses!

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 01/09/2014

» Oatsawin is one of the very few remaining older writers who have worked at Sing Sian Yer Pao for more than three decades. Approximately half of the employees are Thai and write in Thai, which is then translated, and the other half are Chinese. Most of them are much younger than Oatsawin, who is 62. 



War and peace

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 25/08/2014

» In what Susan Sontag would refer to as the democratisation of the human experience through photography, the exhibition "Something To Talk About" presents moments in the Deep South that have largely been overlooked by news media — moments of peace.



Heads up... Kraisak’s back!

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 23/07/2014

» At 52, Kraisak Chirachaisakul is making up for lost time. After distancing himself from the art world for almost three decades, following his graduation from Silpakorn University back in 1987, the winner of this year’s Gold Prize at the International Biennale Print Exhibition in Taiwan is staging a comeback.



The superior shredder

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 22/07/2014

» Ekachai Jearakul is so over competing in classical guitar competitions. His first place win at the 2014 Guitar Foundation of America International Artist Competition in Los Angeles, known as “the Olympics of classic guitar”, will also be his last.



Visions of the blind

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 15/07/2014

» A 10-year-old boy took a photo of me. His bulging eyes were clouded and glossy. They rolled uncontrollably in their sockets.



Breaking boundaries

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 09/07/2014

» Gary Baseman walks into our interview with a box full of colour pencils held shut with a hair tie, and a sketchbook, “the 138th in my lifetime”, he says. Baseman is here for the opening of his exhibition “Play With Me Or Else” at Groove@CentralWorld, featuring larger-than-life sculptures of his playful quirky characters, including a 2.4m-tall "Toby".


Distance learning

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 08/07/2014

» An hour’s drive from Mae Sariang, the paved road gives way to a dirt track. Along the way, landslides have reduced the width of the road by half. At this time of the year, the journey to Pa Daeng Mai from Mae Sariang could take about three hours.


The design guy

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 03/07/2014

» ‘I ended up in Java from despair,” says Christopher Guy Harrison, founder of luxury furnishing brand Christopher Guy. He leans back on his Cezanne sofa, which takes up almost 5m of his living room in a penthouse in Singapore, and crosses his feet. He is wearing cowboy boots. The view from where he sits is spectacular. Marina Bay Sands and Esplanade accentuates the panoramic view south of the city, idle ships dot the open sea. The curved sofa has been designed to mimic the meandering of the Seine.



Home is where the art is

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 11/06/2014

» In 1958, in a letter posted in Thailand to his sister Eleanor, Jim Thompson observed, “The house should be a gem when it’s finished.”