Search Result for “ties”

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Mental projection

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 29/08/2018

» Throughout the Bangkok Biennial, a number of pavilions have been set up in unusual locations -- from a temple in Nang Loeng district (the Supernatural Pavilion) to the Bangrak Bazaar market (for "Quid Pro Quo"), a light bulb shop (for "Sangnual 2551") or even an internet website (



Found objects

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 01/08/2018

» Built, deconstructed, abandoned, rebuilt, half-built -- Bangkok's first post office building and surrounding site is a pocket, a blind spot in the sprawling city.



Corporation with a conscience

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 13/06/2018

» Letters and postcards dating back to the 1880s adorn the walls of the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, ordered in a chronological pathway leading to an exhibition by 15 contemporary Thai artists.



An alternative dimension

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 09/11/2017

» Entering Chai Siris' exhibition at Gallery VER is in many ways like penetrating a spirit house. Once shuffled through the door, visitors find themselves plunged in semi-obscurity, surrounded by life-size banana trees and landscape views that cover entire walls.



Monarchical chronicles

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 18/10/2017

» In a 1970 address to librarians nationwide, the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej compared books to knowledge banks, "a collection of everything mankind has built, done and invented since ancient times". His remark thus highlighted the importance of these everyday objects in the human experience.


A new Bangkok is not a better Bangkok

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 11/09/2017

» "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Dickens's famous opening lines to <i>A Tale Of Two Cities</i> fits present-day Bangkok perfectly.



Women unchained

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 15/03/2017

» 'It's called 'fair-ly tell'. Not fairy tale." Porntip Mankong asserts, pronouncing one syllable at a time. She says it with an air of someone used to battle against misspellings, and misinterpretations, of her work.



When Chinatown is no longer Chinese

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 25/01/2017

» To visitors, Yaowarat comes to life when the gold shops' tall windows go dark and neon signs burn bright on top of buildings. As night falls, the main street of Bangkok's Chinatown transforms into a lively canteen, buzzing with vendors and noise and cars. Tourists, sitting on plastic stools as they wait for their seafood dishes to be served, flood the pavements. Their overflow on the road causes drivers to manoeuvre their cars in stop-motion, honking at each other.



Domestic help better off as 'not in family'

News, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 22/12/2016

» Treating domestic workers as if they are "part of the family" may lead to attitudes that are likely to be detrimental to them, a United Nations (UN) Women study has found.


Experts see Clinton 'continuity'

News, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 08/11/2016

» Hillary Clinton is likely to pursue similar policies in Asia and Southeast Asia as outgoing US President Barack Obama if elected to the White House, while future ties between Asean countries and the United States under a Donald Trump administration are unpredictable, academics say.