Search Result for “three days”

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Thank you and goodbye!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 29/05/2015

» Perhaps I would simply string together a bunch of random words, because who really cares? Tally juniper owns pumpkin sneaks froong-fring cats sneak milk, amirite?!



The "difficult" life of Bangkokians

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 06/03/2015

» Gosh, what a terribly hard week it has been! First there was the holiday on Wednesday, which probably threw off your whole schedule and made you wake up in a panic thinking you had to go to work. (Kudos to those of you who cunningly managed to score Thursday and Friday off too!)



15 wishes for 2015

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 26/12/2014

» Well, Guru has somehow made it to our last issue of 2014. The year has been a blur of procrastinating by sleeping under our desks, copious amounts of vodka, and lots of grammatical mistakes – but hey, we hope you were mildly entertained and that your birds enjoyed having our pages line their cages.    



Winter is coming

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 05/12/2014

» It's finally that time of year when Bangkokians can reference the infamous Game of Thrones tagline without irony. But while winter signifies doom and gloom in the fantasy show, it's more of a cause for celebration in our tropical land. Heck, we deserve it after roughly 11 months of wielding our umbrellas to dodge sunlight and raindrops. In the spirit of the breezy days, here are some unique elements that contribute to a very Bangkok winter:



A winter of discontent?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 21/11/2014

» Maybe it’s the unusual winter breeze that’s slowly creeping its way into the country, or the half-completed holiday decorations that are starting to pop up around the city, but life seems to be unravelling as the season progresses.


Dear police officers who were recently transferred to inactive posts,

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 07/11/2014

» How are you doing fellas? Normally I wouldn’t write to you because I figured you might be too busy doing your jobs – you know, taking bribes, looking the other way towards illegal activity, and all that good stuff.


Things that would actually make Thais happy

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 20/06/2014

» There’s nothing Thais love more than a good campaign. The latest crusade comes courtesy of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), who are now scrambling to “bring back happiness” to the Thai people following the military’s coup last month.


Every coup has a silver lining

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 13/06/2014

» It has been about three weeks since our military overlords took over the country in the May 22 coup. Despite some valiant efforts by the army to repay rice farmers money owed to them, a plan to revise various state projects, and the military junta chief using an hour of his precious time to pen the sappy song “Returning Happiness to the People”, there still seems to be some confusion over what sort of real reform will actually be achieved.


Thailand versus the world

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 16/05/2014

» Think of when you last complained about Thailand. Don’t worry, take your time, I’ll wait. After all, my life consists of being stuck in traffic/lingering impatiently for an incompetent worker to help me/rolling my eyes at the never-ending political drama/cursing because no cab will take me where I want to go when it’s raining/sobbing hysterically because all my pretty shoes are ruined courtesy of Bangkok’s sidewalks.



Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 18/04/2014

» Bangkok turns 232 this year, marking the time when our beloved city was established as the capital of Thailand. To celebrate, the Ministry of Culture will organise three days of historical and cultural events at Sanam Luang this weekend (Apr 19-21). While that’s all fine and educational, we want to do our part to showcase the coolness that Krungthep has achieved in its 232 years of existence. However, since we were too lazy to come up with 232 reasons why Bangkok is awesome, here are 10 instead: