Search Result for “the philippines”

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Wisdom behind the pearls

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 10/04/2013

» Of all exquisite gems, pearls stand out, yet are often underestimated. While other precious rocks, from diamonds to rubies, need man and machine to turn them into sparkling pieces of jewellery, a perfectly round and lustrous pearl is a work of art solely created by nature.



Shifting agenda

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 04/04/2013

» The phenomenon of Facebook users changing their profile pictures to a red equal sign last week might have left some people puzzled, but it has a simple enough explanation. The picture that went viral was derived from the Human Rights Campaign's symbol for equality, which is being used in support of two cases concerning same-sex marriage now before the US Supreme Court.



Asean and gay

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 28/02/2013

» Everywhere you go these days, you'll see or hear the word "Asean" in every possible media outlet _ from newspapers, billboards to subway screens (almost ad nauseam). Sometimes it seems that the word is being overused and in some cases doesn't make sense. The best example, I would say, is the slogan for a national beauty pageant: "Beauty with virtue, beauty through the eyes of Asean" (we get the point, but hello, what is that?)



Broadening its horizons

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 05/12/2012

» Many people in the West seem to be looking eastwards these days, with senior curators at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum being no exception.



Fans say Yes

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 26/07/2012

» When the actors and director of the Thai film Yes Or No visited the Shanghai International Film Festival last year, they were amazed that 800-plus Chinese fans were waiting to greet them at the airport. What was even more surprising was how the small-budget, lesbian-themed flick from a foreign country could attract such a following when the film was never screened in China.



It's more fun in the Philippines

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 23/05/2012

» In terms of historical and cultural background, the Philippines uniquely stands out among other countries in Asia. And in the art scene of this region, Filipino artists deliver one-of-a-kind pieces that represent this archipelago country in a way viewers could never find anywhere else.



Licence to thrill

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 28/03/2012

» Almost 5,000 fans turned up for the final leg of British pop diva Jessie J's "Who You Are" tour last Tuesday at the Indoor Stadium in Singapore. The two-hour show was nothing but a fun-filled experience, as well as a chance for fans to get close and personal with the talented star.


Blogs for the trendy

Outlook, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 25/02/2010

» When designer Marc Jacobs created a special collection of handbags and named it after Bryan Boy, a 22-year-old fashion blogger from the Philippines who has became one of the most influential figures in the fashion business, it was among other evidences - especially in the cyberworld - that the force of online critiques are behind the driving force of the up-and-coming fashion trends.