Search Result for “the judgement”

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Win big with DeeMoney challenge

Life, Published on 30/08/2023

» Interested persons are invited to express their creativity in a short advertisement for the "#DeeMoneyOwndeeChallenge" to vie for prizes worth 150,000 baht in total.



Your horoscope for July 21-27

Guru, Chaiyospol Hemwijit, Published on 20/07/2023

» Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond!



Power of young voices

Life, Published on 12/06/2023

» Colourful papers and crayons scatter the floor as children scribble away on cardboard. Scissors meticulously cut paper into letters, and slowly messages are formed on the waiting cardboard, advocating for society to embrace diversity, promote marriage equality and tear down harmful gender binary.



The elusive objects of truth

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 06/03/2023

» The recent shooting down of flying objects, identified and otherwise, over the US and Canada has spurred interest in extra-terrestrial life further afield. Here in Thailand, ufologists have taken to social media and presented evidence of sightings while describing their personal experiences as well as theories about alien lifeforms.



Your horoscope for Dec 9-15

Guru, Chaiyospol Hemwijit, Published on 09/12/2022

» Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond!



The human library opens on Friday

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 17/10/2022

» The ongoing 27th Book Expo Thailand 2022 offers more than books as reading material. You can also learn from ‘human books’ similar to The Human Library movement, which began in Denmark.



Japan's baby hatch hospital offers mothers 'last resort'

AFP, Published on 22/07/2022

» KUMAMOTO, Japan: When the alarm sounds at Jikei hospital in southern Japan, nurses race down a spiral staircase. Their mission: to rescue an infant left in the country's only baby hatch.



Fraternal dialogue

Life, Published on 06/07/2022

» Reminiscent of the scene in Oscar-nominated film The Two Popes where Cardinal Julio Bergoglio (Jonathan Price) was led by the Swiss Guards up the long staircase to have audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI (Anthony Hopkins) at the Apostolic Palace, a group of Buddhist monks and laymen were guided by soldiers in colourful uniform towards the private quarters in Vatican City. Dazzling and brilliant shades of yellow and saffron worn by Theravada and Mahayana delegations contrasted strongly with Renaissance frescoes decorating walls and ceilings.



A way of life

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 04/04/2022

» A resident of the Pgakenyaw community in northern Thailand, Nutdanai Trakansuphakon began an initiative to maintain, revive and promote rotational farming as a cultural practice tied to his Karen identity. In the process, he's helping raise awareness of its many benefits.