Search Result for “the judgement”

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Ditch Google to avoid fake news

News, Published on 15/01/2024

» Searching for information has become instant and effortless -- just go to your nearest device, ask Siri or click a few keys. But are we better informed than we were before Google became a verb?



Social media is just one online habit hurting teens

News, Published on 28/09/2023

» Last spring, my tween was begging for more independence, starting with being allowed to walk home from school alone. The kilometre-plus walk involves crossing a few busy streets. I was hesitant; she doesn't have a phone, so she had no way to contact me if something went wrong. But we practised a few times (with me trailing her a block behind) to be sure she was confident of the route and talked about what she would do in various scenarios. Then, we allowed her to do something that some parents in our uber-connected era might find truly wild: roam free.



Xi's not for turning? Don't be so sure

News, Published on 05/12/2018

» As president-for-life, China's Xi Jinping is neither bound by rules nor limited by rivals. He has upended a careful political balance by concentrating power in his own hands, and overturned a cautious approach to foreign policy, while throwing in jail anyone he views as a threat. China's most dominant leader since Mao Zedong now has 90 days to head off an all-out trade war with the US provoked, in part, by his own mercantilist policies. Can anybody convince him to make a U-turn?



The cyber whodunnit and the global blame game

News, Leonid Bershidsky, Published on 21/12/2017

» The US government has officially attributed to North Korea the WannaCry ransomware attack, which encrypted hundreds of thousands of computer drives around the world in May, 2017. And yet as with a series of other highly public cyberattack attributions, little evidence for the claim was made public. It's time for the cybersecurity world to follow the advice of the Rand Corporation and set up an unbiased international consortium that would seek to attribute attacks based on a common set of rules.



Facebook's agenda and worrying hold on the news

News, Farhad Manjoo, Published on 13/05/2016

» Facebook is the world's most influential source of news.



'Many' Thais implicated in global scandal

Published on 04/04/2016

» The Anti-Money Laundering Office (Amlo) is seeking information from its foreign counterparts regarding 21 Thai nationals reportedly included in a list of people worldwide using a Panama-based law firm for money laundering and tax evasion.



Sandy: Truly a superstorm

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 31/10/2012

» The entire country of Thailand would have easily fit into Sandy, a genuine superstorm. A massive cleanup and repair operation has now begun in the wake of the storm which left at least 42 dead.



“Merciless” Post-tropical storm Sandy (updated 20:30)

Terry Fredrickson, Published on 30/10/2012

» Sandy has been just as bad as forecasters has feared, causing massive flooding destruction along the east coast of the United States. Morning has finally come and people are just starting to see how bad things are. We will update the situation tomorrow.