Search Result for “thaksin Shinawatra”

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Regime cyber walls risk freezing Thailand's progress

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 06/10/2015

» The single internet gateway fiasco has unmasked what the military regime envisages as the kind of society Thailand should be. A single path towards "happiness", a single roadmap to Thai-style democracy, a single mindset for "Thainess", governed by a single internet gateway to ensure only the "right" information is consumed by society.



Without change the Democrat Party faces irrelevance

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 04/08/2015

» Does anybody really think that political progress is conceivable without also reforming the Democrat Party? As they say, "honesty is an expensive gift, so never expect it from cheap people". Well, here is my gift of honesty.


The silence is deafening

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 07/07/2015

» What kind of society is the junta creating when the peaceful "New Democracy Movement" protesters, all in their early twenties, are jailed without due process, to have their fate decided on by a military tribunal? Without any doubt the junta's behaviour in this matter is utterly deplorable. But what is soul-destroying is the comfortable silence from certain sections of our society. You can almost hear a pin drop. The leader of the Democrat Party? Not a sound. Venerable statesmen? Not a squeak. Or maybe the rector of Thammasat University would like to voice his objection? Not a single word. Ladies and gentlemen, right or wrong, the only people that have demonstrated any courage at all through this episode are the 14 kids in jail, while the adults hide.



Thailand's political landscape rivals that of 'Hamlet'

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 02/06/2015

» I was recently invited by the British ambassador to attend a performance of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' organised by The British Council and the British embassy at Chulalongkorn University. I must admit to never having seen Hamlet but I'm glad I finally did because it rather reminded me in parts of what's happening here in Thailand.


The constitutional merry-go-round revolves once again

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 23/05/2015

» So finally we’re going to have a referendum on this draft constitution. Hooray! This makes it 20 constitutions since 1932. That’s one constitution every four years on average if you do the maths. Therefore, it will come as no surprise to foreign observers that Thais have very little emotional investment in this document, because it’s more than likely we’ll be rewriting, redrafting, rewinding and reinventing another constitution in a few years time. Thailand has become a serial murderer of constitutions and the more constitutions we put to death, the less meaning each one has.



In the Thai political rule book, not all crimes are equal

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 19/02/2015

» The year 2015 is a rather special year for students of British history like myself, because it marks the 50th anniversary since the death of Sir Winston Churchill and the 750th anniversary of a much less celebrated but equally vital historical landmark called the de Montfort Parliament.


Thailand can learn from my hero, Winston Churchill

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 03/02/2015

» This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of arguably the greatest Briton that ever lived. Those who read my column will know that I have often quoted Sir Winston Churchill, because I find his life and the principles he stood for mesmerising. Churchill personified the greatness of the British Empire and his death in 1965 marked its spiritual end. I wholeheartedly believe that our anaemic leaders in Thailand should study his legacy, because even half a century after his death, Churchillian principles still have the unique ability to inspire.



Only real democracy will solve Thailand's problems

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 29/01/2015

» In my view, the Yingluck Shinawatra impeachment proceedings were shameful and will go down in history as one of the most horrendous events in modern Thai history.


Reforms must ensure state apparatus is on our side

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 19/12/2014

» Among the reforms the National Reform Council (NRC) is expected to design is a new election system that will help Thailand mitigate the influence of vote-buying.


True statesmen share power and avoid victor's justice

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 10/12/2014

» As a staunch supporter of democracy and as a writer, I now face what I shall call the "democrat's dilemma".