Search Result for “thailand politics”

Showing 21 - 23 of 23


Be wary of American offers

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 15/11/2012

» The highlight of Barack Obama's Thailand visit will be the moment he meets His Majesty the King, an elder statesman who addressed US Congress and consulted with world leaders well before the current US president was even born. It's a new page in a long reign that accounts for one third of the 180 years of bilateral friendship. A sturdy alliance of such duration is a meaningful accomplishment; something to reflect on, savour and celebrate.


Thailand slips back into a divisive war with itself

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 15/10/2012

» It's a brisk autumn day, all sun and no rain, in the upstate New York town of Ithaca. The leaves are turning and the hilly landscape is alive with a profusion of colour; a good day for a walk. Meandering along tree-lined streets under blue skies, I look forward to meeting a legendary scholar from Cornell's golden age of Southeast Asian studies, an historian who had left before I arrived but whose stellar reputation lingers through books, classroom discussion and reminiscences of his colleagues.


Can you do a better job of running Thailand? Apply here

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 31/03/2012

» Are you a crony capitalist at heart, yet skilful at using disgruntled communists to instil discipline and fear in the service of amassing even more wealth? Are you charismatic and unconstrained in your hunger for power?