Search Result for “thailand entry”

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A virtual nightmare for traditional outsourcers

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 05/01/2011

» Asia was a bit slow adopting virtualisation, but is now leading the push to cloud computing. However, the road to transformation is a long one with many questions that need to be asked.


Lenovo aims for 10% of Thai market

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 29/12/2010

» Lenovo will boost its brand image in 2011 and be visible in everything from large screen TVs in the living room, pads and slates to phones and says it aims to be number one in personal computing in the next five years.


Teradata launches new text analytics

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 08/12/2010

» Thailand has reached a stage of maturity where the rush to acquire new customers is over and businesses are turning to intelligence, and in particular to data warehousing, to better understand the customer and increase revenue.


HP promises one-stop service for business

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 27/10/2010

» HP has launched its Enterprise Services Business in Thailand with the task of being a focal point for supporting corporate customers with everything they need from PCs, notebooks and printers all the way through to the Itanium-based Superdome, along with a variety of consulting services.



Enthusiasts discuss all things Android

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 18/08/2010

» and Blognone recently hosted an Android Talk event where enthusiasts were invited to come and talk about how they loved their Android phones.



New AMD lineup emphasises graphics

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 04/08/2010

» AMD has announced its new platform lineup with an emphasis on graphics and avoiding technical talk to make the consumer and the resellers lives easier with just four different "vision" labels to choose from.



Parties need to work together to break deadlock

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 28/07/2010

» Four parties need to work together to break the deadlock in the telecommunications sector and allow the 3G auction to achieve its full potential, according to a leading think-tank.



Why the powers that be oppose evolution

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 26/05/2010

» There are times when having an engineer in the room when big business deals are being hammered out would make sense. One such incident would be the way ToT and AIS are going about their 3G roaming on-again, off-again disagreement.



Allocation and revenue issues across the spectrum

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 19/05/2010

» Software defined radio and cognitive radios are changing the way regulators should tackle spectrum allocation, allowing shared use of frequency and even peer-to-peer self-forming networks.


The fallout from Thaksin's judgement day and how it affects Thailand's telcos

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 10/03/2010

» Judgement day has come and gone and now mankind is left in the wake of seven hours of court judgement in minute detail of what our former Prime Minister has been up to and been found guilty of, and a lot of that revolves around the telecommunications sector.