Search Result for “thai music”

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RBSO stages an evening of French classics

Life, Published on 16/05/2024

» The Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra will present an evening of French music featuring Swiss pianist Louis Schwizgebel as guest soloist, in the Main Hall of Thailand Cultural Centre, Ratchadaphisek Road, on May 25 at 7.30pm.



Songkran celebrations continue with Wan Lai Festival

Life, Post Reporters, Published on 18/04/2024

» As Songkran festivities end in most parts of the country, Chon Buri is continuing Thai New Year celebrations with the Wan Lai Festival -- which began on Tuesday and runs until Sunday -- on the mainland and islands.



Some 2023 tales you may have missed

Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/12/2023

» It is customary at this time of the year for PostScript to look back at some of the major happenings of the last 12 months. But we will have a change this year because the news has been far too depressing. So instead we will examine some of the not-so-major happenings of 2023 that you might have missed amongst all the gloom and doom. They may not be particularly significant but are a lot more fun than the grim stuff we read every day.


If it's 'early doors' there's plenty of time

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/06/2023

» A Thai reader asked recently the meaning of the expression "early doors" which he had heard used frequently in English football commentaries. It has become quite a familiar observation in sport to indicate a game is still at an early stage. It also creeps into everyday language although perhaps in the more common form of "early days".



The remarkable lady from Nutbush

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/05/2023

» Tributes have poured in for Tina Turner who sadly passed away at the age of 83 this week in Switzerland. I would like to add a small, if inadequate thank you to this wonderful performer who brought such joy to millions. In addition to having a great talent she was also a lovely lady and her Buddhist faith played a strong role in her life. Tina had soul.



Summer vibes

Life, John Clewley, Published on 24/05/2022

» The Thai entertainment scene got a welcome boost this past week with news that bars, clubs and pubs will reopen from June 1, albeit with a closing time of midnight. The government also announced that the lifting of restrictions would apply to 31 provinces that have successfully controlled potential outbreaks of Covid-19, with the other 46 provinces still under Covid-based surveillance and restrictions.


The cuckoo-clock tune that went to No.1

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/05/2021

» It was amusing to see that the UK entry to the Eurovision Song Contest last weekend attracted a grand total of zero votes. However, singer James Newman shouldn't fret too much as not getting any votes is almost a badge of honour in this annual festival of kitsch where music takes second place to gaudy, garish, glitter.



Beethoven in spotlight at Neilson Hays

Life, Published on 25/03/2021

» An ensemble of Thai and foreign musicians will be performing string quartets by Beethoven and Webern during the "String At The Library: Beethoven & Webern" concert at Neilson Hays Library, Suwarong Road, on Sunday at 6pm.



2020: Sport battles through a year like no other

Sports, Nobby Piles, Published on 26/12/2020

» Sport has experienced some difficult times over the years, but nothing has created so much havoc in the world's sporting calendar as the Covid-19 virus. No sport escaped the wrath of the pandemic. Little did we know back in March that the disruption would go on for so long and take such a toll.



Sing into Christmas with Opera Siam

Life, Published on 23/12/2020

» Opera Siam presents a traditional "Candlelight Carol Concert" on Christmas Eve tomorrow from 6pm to 7.30pm at the Banyan Tree Hotel's Ballroom, Sathon Road.