Search Result for “term”

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Costs of cutting capital inflows are worthwhile

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 02/05/2013

» The Bank of Thailand's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on Tuesday issued a clear message that it wants to help stem the appreciation of the baht by discouraging foreign capital inflows, rather than cutting interest rates.



Transport loan fails to win people's trust

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 04/04/2013

» Thailand desperately needs to upgrade its rail system. Nobody can refute that. Yet public opinion is mixed on parliament's endorsement of the government's mammoth borrowing plan.



We're all in for trouble unless we learn to save

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 07/03/2013

» Apart from a promise to make Bangkok a more liveable megacity, the campaign promises of Sukhumbhand Paribatra, now governor-elect, and his former arch-rival Pongsapat Pongcharoen, are interesting as they reflect the national economic condition.



Bad mix: Politics, baht, and BoT

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 07/02/2013

» Thailand, like other developing economies, is doggypaddling to sustain herself and avoid being swept away and drowned in a rising ocean of liquidity. This is inevitable. In the global economic downturn, we too must bear the scars.



Rice pledging sows trouble for our future

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 13/12/2012

» There is no need to cite any polls or indices. But the censure debate that did little more than cause the government to shrug its shoulders is further evidence that Thai democracy has not made much progress.



Thailand must compete for a brighter future

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 11/10/2012

» One comment I keep hearing from business executives, economists and government officials who are concerned about our collective well-being is that we seriously need to improve our economic capabilities.



Never mind the promises, how about respect?

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 13/09/2012

» If you had to write a letter to the government to assess its performance after its first year in office, how would you go about doing it? For me, I would try to see through the eyes of government supporters. And here's my take:



IMF chief predicts Asia will weather euro crisis

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 12/07/2012

» It has been a tumultuous first year for Christine Lagarde, as European nations seek to contain a sovereign debt and banking crisis that threatens to undermine the entire global economy.


Banks seek clarity on FIDF debt

News, Parista Yuthamanop, Published on 17/01/2012

» The great flood of 2011 has already cost the country plenty, both in terms of lives and property. Could the next casualty be Thailand's long-term economic health?