Search Result for “term”

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Thai healthcare in the digital age

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 15/08/2018

» A few weeks ago, I participated in a workshop to rethink the master plan for the Thailand Centre of Excellence in Life Sciences (TCELS), the committee of which I serve as a director. This reaffirmed my belief in Thailand's potential within the medical sciences and healthcare industry. As a country, we are already renowned as a medical service hub of Asia. With recent advancements in technology, we can further build on the strong foundations especially in the area of research and development (R&D).



Putting the 'AI' in Thai agriculture

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 18/07/2018

» Last month at the SingularityU Summit, I was exposed to some of the latest and most exciting technologies across various sectors. Of particular interest to me were the technological developments within the agricultural sector -- an industry so vital for Thailand.



Educated by Artificial Intelligence

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 27/06/2018

» Last week, at the SingularityU Summit in Bangkok -- a two-day event that comprised a series of talks by visionary technologists inspired an audience who were mostly business leaders and key policymakers, I was honoured to join Dr Vivienne Ming of Socos Labs and Dr John Jiang of CP on stage to discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on Southeast Asia.


Is it possible to be too data driven?

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 21/02/2018

» Today, the most successful tech giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon make business decisions informed by the wealth of data that they possess. Being "data-driven'' has become the new imperative for companies striving to become competitive in the modern landscape.



Another crack in China's financial stability

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 22/02/2017

» Last month, China's foreign exchange reserves just fell below the psychological threshold of $3 trillion. The event got people talking about yet another worldwide financial firestorm. For Thailand, things could get even rockier than in 2008 as the epicentre of the earthquake would be much closer to home this time around.



Recovery on thin ice with Trump presidency

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 23/11/2016

» Donald Trump's win may derail the long journey of global recovery. This seismic shift in the political landscape stems from an internal economic root cause and likely extends into dire economic consequences globally, especially for emerging markets like Thailand. After much inconsistency in Mr Trump's presidential campaign, his team that will be unveiled over the next few weeks will be critical for the global outlook next year. It seems we will be "kept in suspense" into Christmas.



Strong side effects of ultra-low interest rates

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 17/08/2016

» Worldwide growth numbers in the past few years have been disappointing. As more uncertainties arise in the global economy, central bankers are taking ever more drastic measures in desperation to save growth. In July, one month after the Brexit result, the Bank of England cut its interest rates to a historic low to stave off potential impacts from the fallout. Central banks around the world too have taken their policy rates to unprecedentedly low levels.


A hopeful tale for China's old and new economies

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 16/03/2016

» Optimism was in the air for the Chinese economy at the IIF-G20 conference in Shanghai late last month. The annual forum set the stage for leaders in the financial community to share their economic perspectives and voice their concerns prior to the G20 meeting. This year, in particular, at the height of global fears of its crash landing, the crowd was listening closely for insights on how China's economic transition would unfold.



Megaprojects provide stimulus and long-term gains

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 17/02/2016

» The volatility in global financial markets has recently picked up again on the back of a series of mediocre economic data across the globe. Poor results for Thai exports in 2015 could very well extend further, putting a spotlight on the need for public investment more than ever. Without a doubt, the cabinet will be called upon to churn out the public infrastructure projects as promised.


Mega-investment is no longer a choice

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 27/01/2016

» As the year of the monkey kicks off, anxiety abounds. For the first time in nearly half a century, no single economic power enjoys bullish prospects. In the 1980s, Japan was at the height of its "miracle" with record salaries and employment. In the 1990s, the United States rode the success of rapid technological change that created waves of new jobs as well as the dot com bubble. At the turn of the millennium, the European Union was exuberant with the promise of growth driven by a streamlined internal market and single currency. Then China's accession to the World Trade Organisation helped it re-emerge as one of the world's great economic powers, marching briskly forward even during the global financial crisis of 2008. Today, there is no comparable big winner.