Search Result for “teach children”

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Troubled Waters

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 26/06/2012

» My kid has just started a swimming class recently, and I have automatically been consigned to an hour of poolside boredom every Saturday and Sunday.


Drama, Trauma and Tantrums beyond the 'Terrible twos'

Muse, Samila Wenin, Published on 02/06/2012

» It now feels almost like a national disease, but it's indeed an instinctive, genetically-programmed original defence mechanism and offence strategy belonging exclusively to the human race. More naturally derived than learned, widely-written about and universally discussed up to doctorate thesis level, humans throw tantrums to get what they want starting at the age of two - the so-called "terrible twos" - and quite often, long after they have passed that age.


Saving face and losing basic virtues

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 01/05/2012

» Of all the reasons and rationalisations parents can summon to stop their children's undesirable behaviour in public, I'm personally disturbed by one particular cliche, and it happens to be the one I often hear parents use when their child's wild nature is getting out of control _ "Please just save my face."


The predicament of sharing

Life, Samila Wenin, Published on 06/03/2012

» One common problem experienced by many parents is the difficulty of getting their little ones _ the inside of whose heads resonate in the musical scale that is "Me, Me, Me" _ to share. I consider myself pretty lucky not having to reprimand my child in public should she happen to refuse to spare even the tiniest amount of her candy to a friend. The problem with my child is the other way round _ she gives away too much. So much so that she would feel bad being called "stingy" by a friend just because she wanted to keep her favourite flavour of Chupa Chups to herself after that friend refused to take the other flavour she offered and demanded my child hand over the one she kept.