Search Result for “taxi fare”

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Staying safe in a pandemic: A user checklist

Published on 13/05/2020

» By world standards, Thailand is performing well in terms of levels of infection, recovery and mortality. But with low levels of testing for infection, we don’t really know what degree of penetration the Covid-19 virus actually has here. So we need to take every precaution, not just now but well into the future. As restrictions are eased, risks of infection increase.



A crisis for workers

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 01/05/2020

» Venue closure, curfew and state policies enforced to contain the spread of Covid-19 are affecting the labour force severely. Workers experience the impact in different magnitudes, with some getting less pay and seeing their working hours reduced. Others manage to work from home. Some lose their jobs entirely.



Fare isn't fair

Life, Suwitcha Chaiyong, Published on 14/05/2019

» Bangkok's buses are known to offer a Fast And Furious kind of ride. Years ago, the No.8 was voted worst in the city in the Transport Ministry's Facebook survey, due to the horrible experience. Despite a sudden change in driver and conductor behaviour after the survey was released, many public buses are still notorious for their impolite and inefficient services, as well as poor facilities, among many other things.



A perfect setting

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 22/02/2019

» The exotic waterway access to this week's subject of review and its architectural grandeur that awaits to greet you never fails to cast the spell of first impression.



Island of unspoilt charm

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 11/10/2018

» Nothing lasts forever. But no less true is the fact that certain things do last longer than expected. The peaceful and simple lifestyle of the rural communities on Koh Sukon of Trang province is an amazing case in point.