Search Result for “t order”

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In pursuit of stardom

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 08/07/2015

» The popularity of the first season of the Mint and Mew mini series led to its second installation of Mint and Mew To be Continued. In a nutshell, it's a comedic story of a gay man who falls in love with a very straight man. Ben Chalatid and Somchai Khemklad play the lead characters of lovesick gay man and ultra macho object of desire respectively. The second mini series has obviously picked up on the success of its precedent's over-the-top delivery as it has doubled the campy dosage.



Surreal eyes wide open

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 01/07/2015

» Aof Smith doesn't have 3G on his phone and he's not connected to the mobile internet — a rarity for a 28 year old. He doesn't feel he needs it, as he spends most of his time at home painting for up to 14 hours a day.



All hail the king of fruits

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 19/06/2015

» For many, it's a slice of heaven that titillates the palette and teases the senses. But for many others, it reeks of death, and those in possession should immediately be quarantined.


Our phone obsession is less than smart

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 25/02/2015

» I've never been one to care what people have, or don't have. Well, sometimes I care whether they have brains, intellect, manners and, OK, a little taste would go a long way in my book, too. But I recently stumbled upon someone who doesn't have one particular thing, and I was surprised how shocked I was. I met a guy who doesn't own a mobile phone.



At the top of her lungs

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 11/02/2015

» At 75, Dusdi Banomyong magically retains her youthful vibrancy, sparkling in her compact physique and well-kept hairdo. As serious singers and vocal coaches often do, she speaks softly and constantly sips water, as to not strain her prized voice.



M/Mad men

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 26/11/2014

» As soon as he sits down, Mathias Augustyniak pulls out an ink pen and begins to draw in his notebook. The end product is astonishing lines and delicate traces of a flowery woman.



Broaden your horizons

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 25/11/2014

» If you have never heard Bring Me The Horizon’s brand of metalcore/screamo/deathcore music before, you could have easily been fooled by their boyish, roguish appearances, and write them off as another soft rock band — or even a slightly overage boy band — who prefer full bodied tattoos, especially when you take a look at vocalist Oliver Sykes.



Wonderfruit bears more than music

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 28/10/2014

» Thailand is never short of festivals, all year round. From EDM, nostalgic, broken heart to song for life festivals, we've become both immune and suspicious whenever the word "festival" comes up, as one often looks, feels and sounds like another. But Wonderfruit Festival, taking place from Dec 19-21 in Chon Buri, aims to change all that.



Taking Disney into the future

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 10/10/2014

» If you have a child and cable at home, you must be familiar with the Disney Junior channel. Even if you visit a home with children between the ages of two and seven, chances are you'll end up hearing Mickey Mouse and Co squeaking the catchy tune of the Hot Dog song, Princess Sofia solving problems, Jake the Pirate on one his adventures or Doc McStuffins taking care of stuffed animals. As one of the most watched children's channels worldwide, Disney Junior is the progressing benchmark of the Disney empire into your home.



The bag girl of Thai design

Muse, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 04/10/2014

» There's something effortlessly cool about Nasha Mekraksavanich, founder and creative director of Nasha bags. As a teetotaller, Nasha, 28, doesn't need to consume alcohol to blend in with the Bangkok's in-crowd and fashion royalty. She glides in and out of social functions and gatherings with ease, but never is unnoticeable thanks to her edgy, waifish looks and confident mannerisms