Search Result for “t order”

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Doi Tung, and the lessons for Colombia

News, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 03/12/2016

» The haunting sound of a Colombian flute hovered in the morning mist covering the hills of Nan. Walker Emelec Hoyos Giraldo was in his element, standing among seedlings at the Mae Fah Luang Foundation's training centre for its reforestation project high in the remote mountains.


Taking a bow

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 21/12/2015

» Today Breezy Monday will be taking a bow, as I embark on a new period of my life. It has been an amazing journey, and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.


The quick fix bane of street food

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 09/11/2015

» Despite the proliferation of som tum carts in every nook and cranny of the city, do you realise how hard it is to find a really delicious som tum nowadays?


The dying art of courtesy

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 12/10/2015

» Isn't it strange that the careers we once idolised when we were young have somehow lost their aura now.


Teach our children how to think

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 07/09/2015

» Politics and religion may be taboo conversation subjects, but the subject of education in Thailand is always a great way to get the ball rolling. Everyone has a story to tell and everyone has an opinion to give. Not much of it is positive. The recent announcement by the Office of the Basic Education Commission (Obec) that schools are going to reduce class hours from eight hours a day to six in order to give children time for more extra-curricular activities has caused a lot more concern than praise. I don't think the quantity is going to make any difference, if the quality of teaching is not up to standard and you're not going to get quality teaching in the classroom if you can't pay teachers a reasonable salary. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Just to put things into perspective, according to figures from the 2015 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Switzerland is the country with the most well-paid teachers.


Frog in a slowly boiling pot

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 20/07/2015

» The current dry season, which is said to be the driest in a century, has put everyone on red alert. Threats of tap water rationing have already got some people stocking up on drinking water and buying giant plastic water bottles to store water for use in the home.


Winded by internet windfalls

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 13/07/2015

» I’m going to be rich! Or, to be more precise, I’m going to be rich if I believe all the e-mails that are sent to me.



Take a U-turn on mindless voyeurism

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 23/03/2015

» Amateur video clips taken with smartphones or dashboard-mounted cameras have now become big news items. I suppose once in a while these cameras provide important evidence when a crime has taken place, probably more useful than even an eyewitness account.



Dhamma drama

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 19/02/2015

» Passion for your art depends a lot on the environment in which you work. Yet — despite gloomy prospects in the local film industry — that has not stopped leading Thai film director ML Bhandevanop Devakul from creating more artistic films with a moral message.


Enough love to plague a saint

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 09/02/2015

» Love makes the world go round. That's what they say.