Search Result for “subsequent hour”

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Guru's Weekly Buzz: Feb 2-8

Guru, Published on 02/02/2024

» Guru by Bangkok Post's pick of the most exciting products, activities, food and travel to indulge in.



Thai films in the spotlight at Queer East Film Festival in London

Life, Published on 25/05/2022

» The third edition of the Queer East Film Festival is screening a wide range of Thai films until May 29 in cinemas across London, spanning over half-a-century from a 1950s black-and-white trans comedy to popular boys' love dramas.



Massage fan shoots up joint, canal-death trio nabbed

News, Mae Moo, Published on 21/11/2021

» Jilted admirer flies into rage



Camping cosmos

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/11/2021

» T  hailand has officially entered the cold season -- well, at least it's cold for those of us who live in the Kingdom. According to the Thai Meteorological Department, the "winter" (quotations as Thai "winter" isn't really winter at all) began on Nov 2 with the coldest days occurring in the latter half of December all the way until the end of January. For city-dwellers, it's predicted that we'll be enjoying the "extreme" minimum temperatures of around 15C to 16C, though we'll believe it when we feel it. However, the cold season signals the perfect time to take a camping trip especially up North where temperatures are expected to go as low as 6C or 7C. Brrrh. So unearth those fur coats and start buying camping gear for a cool road trip. Pun intended. It's time to go camping and Guru's got spots picked out for you.



Lessons of history

Life, Thana Boonlert, Published on 13/10/2021

» After decades of military authoritarianism, student demonstrators in Bangkok began to call for the restoration of constitutional rule and a return to democracy. In the face of the challenge, the entrenched generals refused to negotiate and arrested the protest leaders, claiming they were influenced by communism. It paved the way for the popular uprising of Oct 14, 1973.



A TV show born of pandemic

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 22/09/2021

» Seven years ago, only a few people living outside the Philippines would have heard of director Erik Matti or his crime thriller masterpiece On The Job, despite it being a film to likely revive the long dormant action genre in the Philippines. Thanks to the age of streaming services, the film has recently landed on HBO GO, where Thai viewers can watch it for the first time in the form of a six-part miniseries.



Start the year with A Perfect Planet

Life, Published on 04/01/2021

» Thai viewers will kick off the New Year in the most inspiring and educational way thanks to the premiere of the first two episodes of BBC's newest documentary, A Perfect Planet, which will air back-to-back on Jan 11 at 7pm in Thailand. This will create an epic two-hour launch event on BBC Earth (TrueVisions Channel 568 and 3BB Channel 503).



Lomo Go Mellow

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 31/05/2020

» It's been a little over a decade since Lomosonic has graced the Thai music scene with the release of their debut album, 2009's Fireworks.



A matter of time

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 01/03/2020

» After almost a year-long build-up, Kevin Parker's latest offering under project Tame Impala is finally here. The album, their fourth following 2015's Currents, was first teased in March last year with lead single Borderline.


Back in time

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 03/11/2019

» It's been so long since I've been on a carousel.