Search Result for “submarine”

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Hot and maybe a little bothered

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/05/2012

» It was Oscar Wilde who observed: ''conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative''. He might have had a point, but it means there have been a lot of unimaginative folk in Thailand lately. I can hardly recall a conversation in recent weeks without a reference to the heat. It definitely has been ''a bit on the warm side''.


Australia delays fighter jet project to save money

AFP, Published on 03/05/2012

» Australia said Thursday it will delay its order of 12 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) jets by two years to save money in an aggressive drive to return the budget to surplus.



Govt keeps US military close, China's closer

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 03/05/2012

» The visit to China by top military brass last week was like killing two birds with one stone as it will help Thailand balance its military strategy between Beijing and Washington, while it sought help in solving problems with Cambodia.


Defence brass raise scope on sub training

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 30/04/2012

» Naval officers may be sent to China to receive submarine training, a Defence Ministry source says.


Brazil to boost military presence to protect Amazon

AFP, Published on 27/04/2012

» Brazil will boost its military presence in the Amazon region to protect its huge natural resources from any external threat, Defense Minister Celso Amorim told the Senate.


Brazil to boost military presence to protect Amazon wealth

AFP, Published on 27/04/2012

» Brazil will boost its military presence in the Amazon region to protect its huge natural resources from any external threat, Defense Minister Celso Amorim told the Senate Thursday.


Underwater Wonders

Life, Published on 26/04/2012

» On April 11, a magnitude 8.6 earthquake struck off the island of Sumatra, followed by several powerful aftershocks. High-level tsunami warning were sent out by nations with Indian Ocean coastlines. Six southern Thai provinces were put on full alert _ Phuket, Krabi, Phangnga, Ranong, Trang and Satun _ but luckily for everyone involved, a massive wave didn't materialise this time around and the alerts were called off within a matter of hours.


China and Russia hold first navy exercises

AFP, Published on 22/04/2012

» China and Russia launched their first joint naval exercises Sunday, with war games in the Yellow Sea that come amid tensions between China and its Asian neighbours over territorial claims.


'What Must be Said' to unmask hypocrisy?

News, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 15/04/2012

» In 1988, the Booker Prize-winning British-Indian novelist Salman Rushdie published a novel entitled The Satanic Verses. Many Muslim groups, highly offended by what they perceived to be its defamatory references to the Prophet Mohammed, organised global protests. The Iranian government also issued a fatwa against him, but later rescinded it.


Navy U-boats plan sunk, but all is not lost

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 05/04/2012

» The navy's ambitious plan to equip its armada with submarines has been dashed after the deadline set by Germany passed with no progress from Thailand on the deal.