Search Result for “sub”

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Getting to the root of the problem

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 21/07/2018

» In search of a solution to deforestation and the persisting rights conflicts between Thai forest dwellers and state authorities? Meet Sant Khamkhum. This owner of a small farm in northern Uttaradit province believes he has the answer to one of the country's biggest problems.



Poll without people power holds no promise

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 10/05/2018

» After four years of heavy-handed repression, why has the military government suddenly softened its stance with grassroots and civil society movements? The answer is in the front-page photo of every newspaper on Tuesday.



Shelter from the storms of life

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 18/11/2017

» In a run-down rented house on the outskirts of Tak's Mae Sot district over 50 orphans live in cramped conditions. It's the only home 17-year-old Pawarit has ever known but he realises how fortunate he and his siblings are to be there.



Justice still elusive for Karen forest dwellers

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 08/04/2017

» After three years of trying in vain to seek justice for her husband who mysteriously disappeared after being arrested by forest officials, Pinnapa "Mueno" Prueksapan has arrived at the painful conclusion long realised by the poor and powerless in this country.



Hazing ritual a reflection of militarism

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 03/09/2014

» Is there a chance that our police and soldiers will stop using torture as a means to get a confession? Is there a chance that our country will become a strong democracy without fear of military intervention? Not a chance as long as our society still endorses the barbarism of college hazing.



The misery of the majority

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 30/01/2013

» We have been hearing a lot of complaints about the 300-baht minimum wage from business operators. What about listening to our maids, food vendors, taxi drivers, and people who are not on company payrolls for a change?



Surrender to the godfathers

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 07/11/2012

» Whichever their political allegiance - red or yellow, Pheu Thai or Democrat - the village heads and kamnan across the country have found themselves joining hands in the same fight to keep their positions until age 60.



Some stay organic

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 09/08/2012

» When the government pays almost 50 per cent more than the domestic market price for "every single grain" farmers produce, they naturally pump farm chemicals into their paddy fields to push up yields and grow as much rice as they can. Not Somboon Daeng-aroon, however.



Insane uni entrance

News, Sanitsuda Ekachai, Published on 26/07/2012

» GAT. PAT. GPAX. Onet. SAT. CU-ATT. TU-GET. These acronyms used to be meaningless gibberish to me. Now they are making my life hell.