Search Result for “stephen elop”

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Payback time

Database, Published on 15/12/2010

» Hackers, crackers, script kiddies and self-styled anarchists (safely behind their keyboards) piled in to the WikiLeaks cyberorgy; several ISPs stopped hosting WikiLeaks because of the denial-of-service attacks from anti-WikiLeaks "activists" - and others piled into attacks on MasterCard, PayPal and other operations deemed to be anti-WikiLeaks, or weak-kneed in the face of government outrage against total freedom of speech on the Internet.


Buyers beware

Database, Published on 22/09/2010

» You bought it, you ... er, don't own it; so ruled the always entertaining US federal judges of the 9th Circuit of Appeals in San Francisco, anyhow; if you buy software, you can't resell it, because the software licence you didn't sign says so; the specific case involved a man who sold unopened software on eBay, which the judges said was only licensed to him (the buyer) and no way could he resell it; that goes against a 102-year-old ruling by the US Supreme Court that specifically allows resale of, well, anything once you purchase it legally (although only the original, of course, not copies); a new US interpretation would kill a lot of businesses, from movie rentals to used book stores.