Search Result for “state secrets”

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Commission on a mission

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 17/03/2019

» "The Election Commission shall announce the result of the election", and there really hasn't been any more vast difference between the EC and the members of the public. It's not even supposed to be a worry. But everyone's worrying about the scraping of all the foreign votes and the vital gathering of all today's advance votes and the really major assembling next week of every one-person-one-vote.


The big issue: Sparing country [redacted]

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 14/12/2014

» In 2002, in the wake of the 9/11 terrorism and US military pushback, the CIA opened a secret facility in central Thailand. The agency brought two high-level al-Qaeda operatives, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, to the site and launched a new programme of "enhanced interrogation" techniques on them including physical assault and waterboarding, distressing many US officials.


The big issue: The safe house

Alan Dawson, Published on 10/08/2014

» In March, 2002, a joint operation in Faisalabad by the Pakistani police, CIA and FBI cornered, shot and seriously wounded the Saudi terrorist and former anti-Russian mujahideen Zain Abidin Mohammed Husain Abu Zubaydah. He received the best medical care for his wounds because he was needed for an important experiment in Thailand.


Skyline Ridge defenders receive their due at last

Spectrum, Alan Dawson, Published on 08/09/2013

» The Battle for Skyline Ridge lasted 108 days, involved thousands of troops from four countries, war planes from three, and is probably the least known important military engagement in recent history.


Stratfor Papers _ a tawdry dip into cyber-crime

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 06/03/2012

» I was taken aback by a report in this newspaper last week that I have been operating for several decades in a secretive but romantic world of spies, money laundering and running secret agents.