Search Result for “southern thailand”

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Korn's Democrat exit could let him shine

News, Chairith Yonpiam, Published on 18/01/2020

» The surprise departure of Korn Chatikavanij from the Democrats deals a heavy blow to the oldest political party which was already struggling in an unfavourable political atmosphere. The bold move, however, gives the prominent politician a new opportunity with speculation rife he is about to found a new party. Political observers also foresee the possibility of Mr Korn becoming a new choice for PM in the next election.



Picherd Wiriyanupappong

Spectrum, Jeerawat Na Thalang, Published on 21/08/2016

» Picherd Wiriyanupappong was known among locals for his delicious pa tong ko which he sold in the centre of Trang city in the peaceful southern province.



Rules of the game

News, Postbag, Published on 10/08/2016

» If someone illegally takes control of a ship its called piracy and it's a very serious offence. When people interfere with the planned flight of an aircraft it's known as hijacking and carries a severe punishment. One would think an even greater offence would be the illegal ousting of an elected government by an armed group, commonly known as a coup d'etat which in some countries would carry the most extreme penalty.


Out with the outdated Thai regime

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 25/12/2013

» A friend of mine who is a businessman was asked why he was not out in the streets protesting. Is he not against corruption? But of course, he’s against corruption. In fact, he hates it so much that he has filed a lawsuit against a certain government ministry over unethical practices.