Search Result for “soldiers”

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Bargaining trumps bullets

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 25/11/2019

» 'When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will." It's a blunt quotation and one that certainly got my attention when Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi used it last week.



In the line of fire

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 04/11/2019

» One day in September, while they were resting after a day's labour in the fields, 30 civilians were killed by a US drone strike intended to hit an Islamic State hideout in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan.



Playing it cool

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 09/09/2019

» When it comes to sports, skiing and skating are the last activities anyone associates with Southeast Asia. Outside of a few indoor skating rinks in big cities, the only ice you'll find is in drinks. And as for snow, it's non-existent except at the highest reaches of remote and forbidding Hkakabo Razi in northern Myanmar.


Time for a Seoul-Tokyo peace pact

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 12/08/2019

» I love kimchi and I love ramen. I love the bushido way of life and Japanese humility, and I love South Koreans' resilience and devotion to education that helped them lift their country from poverty after World War II to become an Asian economic powerhouse. And in my opinion, both South Koreans and Japanese are among the nicest people in the world.



Army unwilling to yield to democracy

News, Erich Parpart, Published on 31/07/2019

» For the country like Thailand where the military staged two putsches within the past 13 years, a coup d'état should no longer be necessary.



Paths to innovation

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 18/02/2019

» Creative ideas do not necessarily have to spring from the vision of a single person; many innovative solutions emerge as a result of collaborative effort. Not every company can have an Elon Musk but companies can certainly create an innovative culture that can foster its own army of innovative soldiers.


We deserve a year-end break

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 24/12/2018

» What a year it's been, riddled with natural and manmade disasters, not to mention the antics of Donald Trump. Between his landmark summit with North Korea's leader and the lingering trade war with China, the US president's second year in office has been an eventful one for Asia.



High time for change

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 11/06/2018

» At a time when public alarm is rising about the scourge of opioid abuse, many countries are taking a closer look at marijuana as a safer option for treating pain. Legalisation of medicinal marijuana is on the rise across the western world, and some countries now allow recreational use.



Clinging to hope

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 21/05/2018

» They have survived many challenges, from a genocide that killed nearly 3 million of their people, the ultimate fight for freedom from Pakistan, a series of coups since independence in 1971, and the assassination of the Father of the Nation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. But the people of Bangladesh still find it in their hearts to help those even less fortunate than themselves, in this case hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees.



Mission from Moscow

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 02/04/2018

» As China continues to expand its influence in Asia, and at a time when some are questioning the continuing commitment of the United States, Russia is quietly building up its presence in the region.