Search Result for “social status”

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Ochoa stars as Mexico tie Brazil

AFP Relax News, Published on 18/06/2014

» FORTALEZA - Guillermo Ochoa threw up an impenetrable shield around his goal as stubborn Mexico frustrated World Cup hosts Brazil to earn a 0-0 draw on Tuesday.


Lifestyle marketing meets tech demo in the PlayStation 4 trailer

AFP Relax News, Published on 20/06/2013

» PlayStation's trailer for the PS4 lets us have a gander at the new console's interface and how we might be using it.


'Draw Something 2' incoming, tweets Ryan Seacrest

AFP Relax News, Published on 20/03/2013

» "I somehow concinved them to give me #DrawSomething2 first," the "American Idol" presenter tweeted, with Draw Something studio head Dan Porter confirming the news soon after.


Sex-filled SXSW now gets app for hooking up with strangers

AFP Relax News, Published on 12/03/2013

» Austin's annual music, film and interactive fest South by Southwest (SXSW) -- dubbed spring break for geeks -- now has a whole new way for attendees to hook up with each other, a sex app called Bang with SXSW, a spinoff of the recently launched Bang with Friends.


Bungie makes 'Destiny' announcement, promises more on February 17

AFP Relax News, Published on 14/02/2013

» "Halo" creator Bungie has annonuced "Destiny" as not just codename but retail title of its next game, launched a clutch of social media channels via Facebook, Twitter and Facebook, and dated February 17 for the game's big reveal.


Want a baby? Live near your mom, study finds

AFP Relax News, Published on 06/02/2013

» A new British study announced Monday finds that women who live near their mothers are more likely to become moms themselves.


Relaxnews app selection: keep your New Year’s resolutions, follow the Grammys

AFP Relax News, Published on 16/01/2013

» Mid-way through January many of our tipsy December 31 midnight promises to lose weight and get in shape may be starting to slip, however all is not lost with apps such as Fitocracy (now on Android), Cruise Control and Gympact there to keep you on the right track. With these apps you might even end up looking like one of the red carpet stars at this year's Grammys, which can be streamed live via the official iOS app below. Discover these and many more with this selection of some of the coolest, most interesting and downright fun applications for iOS and Android devices, as selected this month by the journalists at leading leisure newswire agency Relaxnews.


Next stop for Jamie Oliver? Russia

AFP Relax News, Published on 28/11/2012

» Jamie Oliver’s Operation Russia is nearing completion, with plans firmly in place to open his first Jamie’s Italian outposts in Moscow and St. Petersburg next year.


Unpopular kids more likely to smoke as adults: study

AFP Relax News, Published on 26/11/2012

» Teens and adolescents characterized as marginalized outsiders with ‘low status’ among their peers are more likely to become adult smokers, suggests a new study out of Sweden.


Italy gets one more three-starred restaurant by Michelin

AFP Relax News, Published on 15/11/2012

» The latest edition of the Michelin guide for Italy appears to be turning the page and ushering in a new generation of young, dynamic chefs in the country, with half of the starred recipients aged 35 and under.