Search Result for “social media”

Showing 11 - 18 of 18



Why America should be optimistic about Trump

News, Published on 21/11/2016

» I'm a Donald Trump optimist. Like the many who don't support him, I am alarmed that he won. But I don't believe he will be as bad as the worst fears. It's a very modest definition of optimism, but I think it's the best liberals can come up with.



America is divided by race, united by pain

News, Frank Bruni, Published on 11/07/2016

» There aren't any ready answers for how to end this cycle of bloodshed, these heart-rending images from Louisiana and Minnesota and Texas of a country in desperate trouble, with so much pain to soothe, rage to exorcise and injustice to confront.


The scope of the Orlando carnage goes beyond LGBT

News, Frank Bruni, Published on 14/06/2016

» These locations are never random. These targets aren't accidental. They're the very vocabulary in which assailants like the Orlando gunman speak, and he chose a place where there's drinking. And dancing. And where LGBT people congregate, feeling a sense of welcome, of belonging.



Facebook's agenda and worrying hold on the news

News, Farhad Manjoo, Published on 13/05/2016

» Facebook is the world's most influential source of news.



Trump's Miss Universe foreign policy

News, Published on 12/05/2016

» OK, it's easy to pick on Donald Trump's foreign policy. But just because he recently referred to the attack on the World Trade Center as happening on "7/11" -- which is a convenience store -- instead of 9/11, and just because he claimed that "I know Russia well" because he held a "major event in Russia two or three years ago -- (the) Miss Universe contest, which was a big, big, incredible event" -- doesn't make him unqualified.


Liberal democracy bows to the reactionaries

News, Roger Cohen, Published on 18/04/2016

» Liberalism is dead. Or at least it is on the ropes. Triumphant a quarter-century ago, when liberal democracy appeared to have prevailed definitively over the totalitarian utopias that exacted such a toll in blood, it is now under siege from without and within.


The sexual politics of 2016 and redefining masculinity

News, David Brooks, Published on 30/03/2016

» In the middle of the Civil War, a colonel named Robert McAllister from the 11th Regiment of New Jersey tried to improve the moral fibre of his men. A Presbyterian railroad contractor in private life, he lobbied and preached against profanity, drinking, prostitution and gambling. Some of the line officers in the regiment, from less genteel backgrounds, rebelled.



Free speech and the crossing of a line

News, Published on 12/01/2015

» Within 24 hours of the tragic killings last Thursday at the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo, scores of editorials and commentaries poured out from the media, mainstream as well as alternative, about the need to defend freedom of expression from threats of terrorism.