Search Result for “singles”

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Sad tale of a sycamore and a chainsaw

Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/10/2023

» Every now and again there is a news story that leaves you scratching your head prompting the question "What were they thinking?" That was my reaction on reading of the destruction by vandals of an iconic sycamore tree in the northern England county of Northumberland.


Hot off the press on Ratchadamnoen Ave

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/10/2021

» After last week's column regarding old seafaring expressions still in everyday use, I thought we could take a look at a few sayings that have their origins in newspapers.


Wrong turn in the Valley of Windmills

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/01/2020

» At my age, any new sensation tends to either be an ache or a pain, however, on New Year's Day I was up at 6am, which was definitely a ground-breaking feeling. I hasten to add this wasn't because I hadn't made it to bed after a night's revelry. Admittedly in the distant past there might have been several occasions in Bangkok when I've witnessed dawn on Jan 1 before hitting the sack, but we won't go into that.



Lady Plods in charge at the cop shop

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/04/2016

» Good news for the Lady Plods. Last Sunday, the Post reported that for the first time in Thailand, a trio of policewomen could soon become police station chiefs. This is not before time. The three ladies in question are police colonels, academically qualified and have worked many years as inquiry officers. They can definitely look after themselves.