Search Result for “shot dead”

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The Daniels: more wise works

Life, Published on 16/03/2023

» Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, known collectively as The Daniels, won Oscars this year for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for their film Everything Everywhere All At Once.



Out of the shadow of the Cold War

Life, Published on 24/09/2020

» The Cold War saw the birth of the persuasive power of cinema. In the early 1950s, the United States decided that psychological warfare was needed to thwart communist threats in Southeast Asia and so it set up a propaganda unit to produce movies, documentary films, cartoons and pamphlets to provoke a red scare among the people. The United States Information Services (Usis) was also active in Thailand during this decade of sinister geopolitics. Its main responsibility was to produce a number of narrative and documentary films which would be screened around the country to promote American-style democracy and caution people against the deadly dominance of communism.



Tackling the 'lone wolves'

News, Editorial, Published on 18/03/2019

» The worst massacre of innocents in eight years occurred in peaceful Christchurch on Friday. In a 36-minute orgy in two separate mosques, 50 people were shot dead. A definitely demented but functioning man created an unwatchable Facebook video as he killed from close range. Heroes emerged from the mosque mats and in police ranks, but the worst of the killer's work was done.



Viral clicks that rocked the boat

News, Anucha Charoenpo, Published on 29/12/2018

» In the year 2018, netizens widely used their Facebook pages and other social media platforms to scrutinise matters of public interest ranging from politics and crimes to social issues.



What we watched in 2018

Life, Published on 26/12/2018

» The great and the good from the silver screen, TV screen and phone screen.



Police threaten young rappers

News, Published on 27/10/2018

» Controversy over a music video, "Prathet Ku Mee" (What My Country's Got), which has been perceived as an attack on the military government, is heating up after police threatened to take legal action against the artists and the production team.



Indonesia mourns as tsunami death toll climbs

Reuters, Published on 01/10/2018

» PALU, Indonesia: The toll from an earthquake and tsunami soared to 832 confirmed dead on Sunday, with authorities fearing the numbers will climb as rescuers grappled to get aid to outlying communities cut off from communications and help.



Journalists under increasing attack in India

Asia focus, Narendra Kaushik, Published on 30/10/2017

» Deeksha Sharma was scared and baffled at the same time when she received a death threat on her WhatsApp messaging account on Sept 16.



Soldier fired in 'self-defence' in Lahu death

News, Post Reporters, Published on 21/03/2017

» The Royal Thai Police (RTP) has insisted the extrajudicial killing of a Lahu activist, who they say was linked to drug trafficking, was carried out in self-defence.



How ghost chasers make sense of the supernatural

Spectrum, Jeerawat Na Thalang, Published on 31/07/2016

» On any given night, Kapol Thongplub and his camera crew could be chasing after spirits. Holding a portable device to detect unusual energy frequencies, the 49-year-old entertainer visits places believed to be haunted by ghosts.