Search Result for “shorts”

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Taste of inflation from a reliable sauce

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/12/2023

» I am not sure where Bangkok stands in the list of most expensive cities released by the Economist this week. Singapore and Zurich top the table but judging from recent visits to the supermarket, Bangkok must be racing up the inflation charts.


Unmasking the situation may take a while

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/07/2022

» We are now apparently entering the "post-pandemic era" according to the authorities, which in everyday language means it is not obligatory to wear masks anymore. However, just about everyone is still wearing them so it seems the public are not entirely convinced it's all done and dusted.


When it twigged Thailand was different

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/04/2022

» For the third year running we have experienced muted Songkran celebrations, and I for one won't complain if it remains that way for a while. Of course there have been a few naughty tourists who have broken the water-throwing protocols, but maybe the heat got to them.


Sunken 'ghost ship' could haunt Gulf fish

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/01/2022

» The week began promisingly with the discovery of a mystery "ghost ship" drifting in the Gulf of Thailand with no crew, cargo or documents aboard -- not even any defiant rodents. First spotted by Chevron oil-rig workers, the dilapidated Fin Shui Yuan 2, appeared to be a freighter of Chinese origin. Unfortunately, the vessel sunk in rough seas off the Nakhon Sri Thammarat coast while being towed towards land by the Thai Navy.


Foreign noses always good for a laugh

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/12/2021

» Today's column is coming from the northeastern province of Chaiyaphum to where I periodically escape for a break from Bangkok. There was a quick reminder that I was no longer in the Big Mango while sitting in a village restaurant with my wife and friends. A Thai lad about 5 years old came up to our table and stared at me for a bit and giggled. I might add this is not an unusual reaction to Crutch in the provinces.


Welcome to the year's merriest month

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 02/05/2021

» We are already in the merry month of May, not that there's much to be merry about these days.


You can't escape a rural soundtrack

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/01/2021

» Admittedly it's is not exactly earth-shattering news, but for the first time in 20 years I haven't spent the New Year holiday in Isan (the Northeast). This was not due to any dramas, but simply a combination of factors that made it more sensible to stay in the Big Mango.



Farang life made comical

Life, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/05/2020

» They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the same goes for Stephane Peray's cartoons in his entertaining book Farang Affairs, illustrating in a humorous manner situations that can face a foreigner in Thailand, whether they be new arrivals or old hands.



The moon and the city noodle shop

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/07/2019

» Unless you have been in hibernation you will be aware that yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Every newspaper and television network has been bombarding us with tales featuring small steps, giant leaps, eagles landing, lift-offs and splashdowns.



Say a little prayer for the Queen of Soul

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/08/2018

» One sunny morning in 1968, I had settled down to my customary reading of the Sunday newspapers on Hampstead Heath in London, when a couple sat on the grass near me. I was a little irritated when they switched on a transistor radio and was pondering giving them a lecture on the sanctity of peace and quiet. But then I heard the piano intro to <i>I Say A Little Prayer</i> and all was forgiven. A rare sunny day on the Heath with musical accompaniment by Aretha Franklin -- what more could one ask for?