Search Result for “shipped”

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Anticipating updates at WWDC; expanding the usefulness of photos

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 01/06/2016

» Apple rumours are sprouting like daisies in the approach to WWDC: just a couple of weeks away. There may be one, or two, or three iPhone sizes, with one or two cameras. There is also sure to be a new screen type (we are told). The next iPhone, which will probably be announced then, should have the next A-series chip: the A10. This is the one that many predict could power a desktop class computer.



Apple's dip: What comes next?

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 04/05/2016

» Everyone knew Apple was going to have a not-so-good quarter, except perhaps Wall Street, which reacted in the only way Wall Street knows how: hitting Apple's share price and claiming that Apple is doomed (again). Some also called for the head of Tim Cook.



Apple products await Thai approval

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 11/11/2015

» The iPad Pro is expected to be released on Friday, but there is no official date for its arrival in Thailand. Like the Apple TV, I expect users will have to wait a little longer for this and the Apple Pencil that will arrive then, too.



Apple facts, hints and tips

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 28/10/2015

» Apple has just announced its 4th quarter results. These should be available in several online sources by now. Income will come from hardware such as iPhones and Macs, and services. Some sales figures, such as the Apple Watch, will all be included in an "Other" section.



Ordering a new Mac mini for my office

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 29/04/2015

» Last weekend, a local user pointed me to a report on the Ars Technica site about the latest Flash Zero Day exploit, one of several already this year. Dan Goodin writes that although Windows users running Flash in Firefox or Internet Explorer are mainly at risk, the CVE-2015-0313 security bug is present in Flash for Macs and Linux.



My sexy 6 is finally here

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 05/11/2014

» For several days late last month, there was a tantalising page on the Apple Online Store for Thailand. Users could select the iPhone 6 model and colour of their choice, as well as the capacity, but the "buy" button was stubbornly greyed out. Until Friday.



Countdown to Sept 9 - the known & the unknown

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 03/09/2014

» Last week, Apple finally sent out invitations to the media and confirmed that it will hold an event next Tuesday, Sept 9. There have been so many reports in the last few months about what Apple is about to do, yet not a word came from Apple until that invitation with its enigmatic, one-line message: "Wish we could say more", and the date, "9.9.2014".



Transferring photos to Macs, iOS devices from iPhone and DSLR cameras

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 20/08/2014

» At a recent camp for students I ran at Mahidol University's Faculty of Engineering, a whole day was set aside for photography. After being taught some theory, the students walked round the Salaya campus taking pictures. After lunch, they were to import the images to MacBook Air computers and create slide shows using iPhoto.



Apple finances and Yosemite expectations

Life, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 23/07/2014

» By the time you read this, Apple will have announced its third-quarter financial results (last night in fact). Predictions suggest that something like 30 to 40 million iPhones will have been sold. Mac sales were expected to be a little under 4 million, slightly lower than before, but at a time when PC sales are slipping worldwide. There are also the invisibles, like iTunes sales, which are usually in excess of $4 billion for the quarter.


Apple's Magic Trackpad: installation and use

Database, Graham K. Rogers, Published on 25/08/2010

» In mid-July, while I had the Mac Mini in my hands, Apple released its Magic Trackpad. It struck me as the perfect device to go with the Mini. I am less happy with a mouse now as I am so used to notebook computers and their trackpads.