Search Result for “shipped”

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Apple sets sights on VR market

Life, James Hein, Published on 21/06/2023

» The biggest announcement of the past week or two was the Apple Vision Pro VR system. There has been so much on this recently. The quick summary is -- two 4K eyepieces, no controllers required and it can replace your TV and computer monitors. I was more interested in the battery life being two hours, or if you were using them, not enough for the full Apple presentation. The price is also an amazing US$3,500 in America so out of the range of most people. One argument is that by the time you don't need to pay for a TV upgrade or new monitors it is worth the investment. My counter is if you have a four-person household that price becomes $14,000, a lot more than the cost of a new TV. Oh, and you can mostly only use it with Apple kit which really limits options.



Smartphone sales down 20% in first quarter

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 09/05/2023

» Thailand's smartphone sales declined by 20% year-on-year in the first quarter, compared to a global fall of 14.6% in the same period, mainly due to a sharp drop in the low-end smartphone segment, according to preliminary data from the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker released in April.



Planet, Cisco join hands for portable data centre

Business, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 11/11/2022

» MAI-listed Planet Communication Asia, a digital tech service provider, has joined hands with global tech giant Cisco Systems to develop a prototype mobile data centre to facilitate the smart city initiative.



When internet platforms are the judge and jury

Life, James Hein, Published on 20/01/2021

» The start of this year does not bode well for freedom of speech advocates. Consider this thought experiment. You are a citizen of Mythomia. You enjoy decent internet speeds but a group of organisations dominate the social media space. Your leader communicates with the populace via social media. One day the organisations decide they don't like the politics of the leader and cut off all means of communication with the populace. How would you feel about that?



Change is nigh?

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/10/2020

» A long-awaited US congressional report into Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google has been published. The surprise for some is that this report from the Democrat-run House Judiciary Committee concludes that the online giants are monopolists that need to be broken up.



Google launches Pixel 4 with radar gesture control

Business, Published on 17/10/2019

» NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO/BERLIN: Alphabet Inc's Google unveiled new Pixel smartphones with higher quality cameras, a radar sensor to track hand gestures and faster virtual assistant on Tuesday, but the devices had no surprise features to set them apart from rivals and nix concerns about price.



Robot revolution

Piyachart Maikaew, Published on 02/08/2019

» No longer the preserve of sci-fi flicks and playtime, lifelike machines have gone mainstream


Diminishing returns

Life, James Hein, Published on 05/06/2019

» The first three months of 2019 saw Apple and Samsung collectively selling 17.5 million fewer smartphones globally compared to last year. As I've previously noted, we have market saturation and a lack of yearly upgrades for many users. I upgrade with roughly every third model, for example. The premium end of the market also continues to move out of the reach of many, meaning fewer people can upgrade as often. The innovation jump in successive models is also diminishing, so they lack the wow factor that drove earlier upgrades. These figures do not include the impact of the latest Samsung S10 range which shipped at the end of the quarter. The top three remain Samsung, Huawei and Apple. This may change with the recent US Huawei bans, or at least reduce any growth. Even after price cuts, Apple's sales fell 17.6% in the quarter leaving Samsung as the one least likely to lose their position in the next few months. Oppo and Viva rounded out the top five in sales with Xiaomi nibbling at their heels.



Huawei to continue security support for Android phones

Published on 20/05/2019

» LONDON: Huawei said on Monday it would continue to provide security updates and services for its smartphones and tablets after being barred from Google updates to its Android operating system.



Inkbox secures $10 million in funding

Business, Published on 19/07/2018

» TORONTO: A Toronto-based startup has secured $10 million in funding from venture capitalists to expand its operations in the temporary tattoo business, the company's chief executive officer said on Tuesday.