Search Result for “shanghai”

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Grindr holds a mirror to China's subtle evolution

News, Adam Minter, Published on 11/09/2018

» Grindr, the world's largest gay social-networking site, told the Shenzhen stock exchange recently that it plans to IPO overseas. Its owner, Beijing Kunlun Technology Co, a games developer, didn't give a date or location. But the announcement revived concern in the gay community locally and worldwide about the app's Chinese ownership.


Is China's Arctic expansion plan a reason to worry?

News, Adam Minter, Published on 01/02/2018

» Last week, China said it plans to build a "Polar Silk Road" that will open shipping lanes across the largely pristine region at the top of the world. It's an ambitious idea for a country that lacks an Arctic border, and it has raised concerns around the world about China's ultimate intentions and its capacity for environmental stewardship. Although these are reasonable worries, they're almost certainly overblown.



China's cashless revolution is likely to spread afar

News, Adam Minter, Published on 20/07/2017

» On a recent trip to Shenzhen, in southern China, I came across a subway busker with two tip jars. The first was a cardboard box filled with coins and bills; the second was a small QR code taped to the box that allowed passersby to leave a tip by smartphone. On one level, this was simply smart business: Chinese made around $5.5 trillion in e-payment transactions last year. But it also offered a glimpse of the future.



China's skyscraper age is likely coming to an end

News, Adam Minter, Published on 14/06/2017

» At more than 610 metres, Shanghai Tower is the world's second-tallest building. It looms over its neighbours -- the world's ninth and 19th tallest buildings -- in a supercluster of supertall structures unlike any other in the world. The only problem? Finding people to work there: Only 60% of Shanghai Tower is rented out, and only a third of current tenants have actually occupied their leased space.



As test scores slip, China must rethink its schools

News, Adam Minter, Published on 21/12/2016

» It had become something of a ritual. Every three years, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development would release the results of its PISA exams, which are given to hundreds of thousands of students in dozens of countries. And every three years, an American freak-out would ensue, as Chinese students seemed to be outperforming their US counterparts by a wide margin.



A city of 50 million? And China wants three of them

News, Adam Minter, Published on 30/08/2016

» By any measure, Shanghai is one of the world's biggest cities. It's home to more than 24 million people. Its subway system is the longest ever built, extending to its rural limits. Crowds are so thick that burly "shovers" get paid to help pack the trains. Now the local government is saying enough is enough: documents released this week reveal that Shanghai intends to admit a mere 800,000 new residents over the next 24 years, on its way to becoming an "excellent global city".


Indonesia refuses to be railroaded into China deal

News, Adam Minter, Published on 10/09/2015

» It was a deal that a developing nation such as Indonesia wasn't supposed to refuse. In return for a $5.5 billion (199 billion baht) Chinese loan to be repaid over 50 years, Indonesia would receive its first high-speed rail line, a 150-kilometre high-tech bauble to run from the capital, Jakarta, to the country's third-largest city, Bandung. But late last week, President Joko Widodo's government did the unexpected and refused it -- and a less-attractive Japanese proposal -- in favour of soliciting bids to build a slower train that will cost about 40% less. According to Bloomberg News, the high-speed line was not considered "commercially viable".