Search Result for “selling”

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Only compassion can douse the fires

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 11/05/2019

» The bushfires that have ravaged parts of northern Thailand this year have been unusually fierce.



Unseen killers are wildlife's worst enemies

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 16/02/2018

» Unquestionably, construction tycoon Premchai Karnasuta is the man of the moment. His name is on everyone's lips, after he and three of his entourage were arrested and charged with poaching in Unesco's World Heritage Thungyai Naresuan wildlife sanctuary on Feb 4.



Wildlife, drug trades cross bloody paths

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 08/11/2017

» The Golden Triangle -- an area where Thailand, Myanmar and Laos meet -- has long been notorious. In the old days, it was known as Asia's second opium production hub, behind the Golden Crescent in Afghanistan. After opium use declined, the Golden Triangle transformed into a production hub for heroin and recently ya ba, or methamphetamine.



When beer becomes too convenient

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 11/10/2017

» Beer was never my drink of choice until a recent vacation in Germany made me "see the light" as I was introduced to many delicious pilsner, wheat and craft beers.


Why Hong Kong matters

Asia focus, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 03/07/2017

» Twenty years ago on the evening of June 30, all eyes turned to Hong Kong as the tiny territory, known as a regional financial hub, global toy manufacturer and epitome of a free society, was returned to mainland China after 155 years of British rule. As a fan of the city and a regular visitor, I still remember that emotionally charged day.



Kaset Fair a stark contrast to organic life

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 12/12/2016

» December, leading as it does into the New Year, is a time of festivals, fairs and joyous activities. Among them is the Kaset Fair, an annual event organised by Kasetsart University, the country's leading agricultural institute and cradle that produces manpower for agriculture-related agencies.



New sugar policy has a bitter taste

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 12/09/2016

» Last week, the government announced a policy to expand the sugar industry. The strategy, initially, sounds good, because it will catapult the Thai agriculture sector from a raw material supplier to a high value industry. FarmVille version 4.0, if you will.



'Coffee culture' aftertaste gets far more bitter

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 11/02/2016

» In the beginning, we thought coffee was just a brew to drink to keep us awake. But over the past decade, we have seen the growth of a "coffee culture" that has spread around the world, including to the Land of Smiles.



Nation's biomass industry faces myriad challenges

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 28/11/2015

» There is no question that clean energy has merits. Among many sources, biomass power plants are championed as the most appropriate choice for Thailand — a country with abundant farm waste such as rice husks, and organic waste from sugar mills and palm oil factories.


Keep on running

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 19/11/2015

» I started calling myself a runner, albeit an amateur, on the third Sunday of November 2013, after I ran my first ever mini-marathon of 10km at the legendary Standard Chartered Bangkok Marathon (SCBM). For the local running community, the event is like a rite of passage, where novices participate in the "Fun Run" of 5km, while others do something more arduous, or even get a taste of the life-changing experience of a full 42K marathon. Many runners, including myself, have fond memories of the event because SCBM was their very first running competition. It is with one step that a person begin his or her relationship with the lonely, addictive and meditative-like act of running.