Search Result for “security guard”

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Trump offers clarity on Iran's terrorist aims

News, Eli Lake, Published on 10/04/2019

» For more than 30 years, successive US administrations have called Iran what it is: a state sponsor of terrorism. Leaders of its military and intelligence agencies have been sanctioned, while the terror groups Iran supports have faced military action as well as sanctions.



Fahmy says al-Jazeera aids terrorists

News, Eli Lake, Published on 26/06/2017

» Mohamed Fahmy is the last person one would expect to make a case against al-Jazeera. In 2014, the former Cairo bureau chief for the Qatar-funded television network began a 438-day sentence in an Egyptian prison on terrorism charges and practising unlicensed journalism. His incarceration made al-Jazeera a powerful symbol of resistance to Egypt's military dictatorship.



China's 'little green boats' have Japan on the alert

News, Eli Lake, Published on 02/09/2016

» In early August, Japan's Coast Guard witnessed an unconventional Chinese assault on its territorial waters. According to Japanese officials I met with last week, at least 300 Chinese "fishing vessels" began incursions into the exclusive economic zone around the uninhabited Senkaku Islands, territory administered by Japan but claimed by China and Taiwan as well.