Search Result for “security guard”

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Taste of inflation from a reliable sauce

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/12/2023

» I am not sure where Bangkok stands in the list of most expensive cities released by the Economist this week. Singapore and Zurich top the table but judging from recent visits to the supermarket, Bangkok must be racing up the inflation charts.


A grim year rescued by Paddington Bear

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/12/2022

» It is customary at this time of the year to take a not-too-serious look back at the events of the past 12 months. It is not that easy because it's been a pretty miserable year highlighted by the madness of the war in Ukraine.


The big black door which has no keys

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/10/2022

» In recent weeks whenever I have switched on the TV news bulletins I seem to have been greeted by the sight of the imposing black door at No 10 Downing Street. It must be the most photographed door in history.


The million-baht 'misunderstanding'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/09/2022

» Last week a man was arrested in connection with a house robbery that took place in Bangkok almost 11 years ago which involved five other suspects who have already been detained. It suggests police can pursue old cases effectively if they put their mind to it.


The 'best job in the world' takes its toll

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/07/2022

» I am no fan of politicians but occasionally politics creates some splendid theatre, although some might call it pantomime. This was the case in the British Houses of Parliament this past week as Prime Minister Boris Johnson attempted to hold on to what he called "the best job in the world".


It's all aboard for the Land of Nod

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/11/2021

» You may have seen a news item during the week on how Hong Kong has launched a special bus service named the "Sleeping Bus Tour" for citizens who are desperate for forty winks. Apparently there are a lot of insomniacs in Hong Kong as a result of the stress of living in one of the world's busiest cities.


Spivs, wide boys and dodgy kipper ties

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/11/2020

» Every now and again a word pops up which I have not heard for ages. That was the case recently with an email from a London-born friend who complained about "spivs" who had contributed to ruining his local football club's finances.


Just another case of terminal madness

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/08/2020

» Last weekend there was bit of a scene at Don Mueang airport when a passenger, after being told he was too late to board a domestic flight, decided the best response was to pick up the AirAsia computer laptop and smash it on the floor. Not a good idea.



Farang life made comical

Life, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/05/2020

» They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the same goes for Stephane Peray's cartoons in his entertaining book Farang Affairs, illustrating in a humorous manner situations that can face a foreigner in Thailand, whether they be new arrivals or old hands.



Bodyguards keep in step in Singapore

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/06/2018

» Unless you have been in hibernation, it was impossible not to avoid some exposure to the Big Event in Singapore last week. There has been enough analysis to fill the Grand Canyon, so we'll skip that stuff. Suffice to say it was certainly historic and quite gripping in a theatrical sort of way.