Search Result for “river”

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The rise of venison

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 26/11/2017

» Beef used to be the most commonly consumed meat in Thailand. Its popularity faded away due to the changing preferences of modern consumers. Some would simply say that beef is getting more expensive, so they switched to pork and chicken instead.



Bone-Free, Worry-Free

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 19/11/2017

» Ever wonder why it is so wonderful to have a good bowl of khao tom pla insi (rice soup with king mackerel), mahi-mahi steak or grilled salmon with soy sauce? The credit, at least partly, goes to the skill of your cook. The other part of such a pleasant eating experience is that the fish comes bone-free. Somebody has done a very good filleting and deboning job for you already.



Selling points

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 15/10/2017

» In making any type of business investment, the most important thing to consider is your customer base. This can be tricky as you have to guess what your target group wants. You might have to ask yourself these questions: What can people not live without? Where do people pass by in their daily lives? How can we accommodate those who prefer payment in cash?



A sunshine state of mind

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 25/06/2017

» There's more than a handful of things that Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Bangkok have in common. For one, both places are hot, humid and rainy. Another thing is that they are both swarmed by mosquitoes, and palm, coconut and banana trees can be seen everywhere. A visit to Fort Lauderdale could very well make you feel right at home, save for the fact that cars drive on the right side of the road and the city boasts much better urban planning.



Mining for memories

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/06/2017

» Famed for its traditional way of life and architectural uniqueness, Old Takua Pa is fast on track to becoming a top tourist destination. But as it opens up to more visitors, does the ancient community risk succumbing to the overexposure that's impacted other tranquil hidden cities in Thailand?


Going back to the grind

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 19/03/2017

» If you want to fix a Thai meal in a hurry, buy some ready-made curry or seasoning paste. You will be able to whip something up in no time. But if you want the food to really be delicious, you will have to pound the paste yourself. It takes more time, but it is time well spent.



Soaking up the sun

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 19/02/2017

» Conjure up a mental list of old-fashioned dishes that still make the mouth water, and then notice how many include main ingredients that are dried or salted. Here's a personal selection: nuea khem tom kathi sai hawm daeng (salted beef stewed with shallots in coconut cream), nuea khem cheek pen sen foy phat kap namtaan (shredded salted dried beef stir-fried with palm sugar), plaa chon taak haeng khem tom kathi proong rote baeb tomyam sai bai makhaam awn (salted and dried snakehead fish stewed with sour-spicy seasonings in coconut cream with tender tamarind leaves), hua plaa chon taak haeng khem sai kathi sai fak (dried salted snakehead fish head stewed with coconut cream and squash), hoy malaeng phuu taak haeng khem phat kap nam taan (salted and dried mussels stir-fried with palm sugar or the same mussels simmered into a curry with pineapple). The list goes on.


Flight from the city

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 12/02/2017

» There is constant traffic of people moving into and out of Bangkok. Some want to come to the city, while others want to get out. Those seeking to come usually want to study or work here, do business or perhaps just do some shopping. They may see the capital as a testing ground that offers challenges to their abilities. Once in the city, they look for suitable opportunities and hope that their luck comes through for them.



A taste of the past

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 01/01/2017

» When we take our first steps into a new year, starting on the path can be more reassuring if we look back on the year that just ended and put some of the things we experienced in it in one place. Over the past year, the Cornucopia column looked at many things -- among them, the old riverside neighbourhood along the Chanthaburi River, the Pathumwan area as it used to be; the informal markets known as talaad nat; traditional folk medicines; smoked fish; pesticides in vegetables; local dishes you can only enjoy by doing some travelling, and much more. Today I would like to review some of these subjects and gather them together into a kind of culinary and cultural tour.



A fish fit for a king

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/12/2016

» High on the list of popular fish in Thailand is tilapia, called plaa nin in Thai. It is tasty and meaty, inexpensive and easy to find in the market. Cooks can prepare it in many ways, one of the most popular being to cover the entire fish with salt and then grill it or, if it is small, to salt and sun-dry it to make plaa daed dio.