Search Result for “rights”

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Global turmoil and Thailand's political reset

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 21/12/2018

» As the world moves into 2019, there is a consensus that the roughly seven-decade-old rules-based liberal international order no longer works. Either it has to be fundamentally revamped to suit new realities and the international distribution of power and wealth, or it will be increasingly violated and marginalised. In a remarkable parallel, Thailand's hitherto political order that lasted about seven decades also requires adjustment and recalibration.



'My country's got' these socio-political ills

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 02/11/2018

» The explosive Rap Against Dictatorship music video that has taken Thailand by storm has raised myriad socio-political questions and issues. Known in Thai as <i>Prathet Ku Mee</i>, the sensational music video has been viewed on YouTube more than 25 million times in just 10 days in a country of 69 million people, a feat in its own right and a record for its artistic kind in Thailand. How this five-minute rap song in the Thai language has done so much says a lot about where Thailand has been and where it is going.


Semantics and Thailand's political divide

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 25/09/2015

» Language can be about power as much as communication. It can tear societies apart or bring them together, depending on its design and application.



Global disarray as institutions falter

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 17/08/2015

» The international system as we know it is unravelling. Rules and institutions that were set up seven decades ago no longer hold the same weight and authority as they used to. As we grapple with an exacerbating global disorder, established powers and players and old rules and institutions need to be revamped and reinvented to accommodate new realities. Otherwise global tensions will mount, most probably accompanied by confrontation and conflict.