Search Result for “rice paddy”

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Rice paddy art in Chiang Rai

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 23/01/2024

» A five-rai rice paddy in Son Sung Village of Chiang Rai has become a unique canvas for its owner Tanpong Jaikam and local artists to create three images of cute cats from strategically planted rice of various types and colours.



Thailand's kookiest competitions

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 22/07/2022

» Every country has its own share of kooky competitions, and that's also true for Thailand. From the search for a Guanyin avatar to the Peta-would-surely-disapprove swimming competition, here are a few for your entertainment.



Living the hive life

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 07/08/2015

» Achiraya “Achi” Thamparipattra is the CEO and co-founder of Hivesters (,, which she calls a “marketplace for fun lifestyle activities”. Achi, 32, tells Guru how Hivesters offers locals and tourists activities usually missing from guidebooks, while promoting sustainable living.



Get active

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 18/10/2013

» Ademonstration against a controversial dam project in Mae Wong National Park will start at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre tomorrow. The dam plan has been criticised for its lack of transparency, questionable effi ciency in preventing future fl ooding and its threat to irreplaceable trees and wildlife. To deputy PM Plodprasob Suraswadi, forests can be regrown and wildlife bred, but an online petition against the project on has garnered over 113,401 signatures, becoming the biggest campaign of its kind in Asia (who knew that Thais are such environmentalists?!).


Off the Plate

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 08/06/2012

» When you think of the eating ritual, you normally think of putting an end to a growling stomach while pleasing the tastebuds, right? In Thailand, however, there have been incidents where food has become more than just food and people have eaten for other reasons besides bodily obedience. Here are six examples of how Thai people have strangely incorporated food into their way of living. Warning: You may never look at food the same way again.