Search Result for “religious sensitivities”

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Malaysian store attacked after ‘Allah socks’ outcry

Published on 30/03/2024

» KUALA LUMPUR — A Molotov cocktail was thrown into a Malaysian convenience store on Saturday, police said, after the chain’s top executives were charged with hurting religious feelings for selling socks with the word “Allah” printed on them.



Women march as rights under threat across the globe

AFP, Published on 08/03/2023

» Women were taking to the streets from Kabul to Bangkok on Wednesday to mark International Women’s Day and defend rights that are coming under increasing attack.



Girlhood and a city in flux

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 12/10/2021

» An Indonesian teen drama and Cambodian prize-winner shine at Busan Film Festival.



Understanding Autism

Published on 30/07/2020

» Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), represents a broad range of indispositions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communication. This lifelong developmental condition affects how sufferers perceive the world and interact with others.



Pakistan's 'biggest feminist' under fire after sexist tirade

AFP, Published on 07/03/2020

» LAHORE (PAKISTAN) - He calls himself "Pakistan's biggest feminist", but soap-opera writer Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar sparked a national row this week after he hurled abuse at a women's rights activist on live television.


Subject(s) (That) Matter

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 24/01/2020

» Two things that recently happened made me wonder about the definition of education in Thailand. First, a uni professor in Phitsanulok drafted a new course called "My Beloved Country" but the board rejected it, saying its purpose isn't in line with that of a general education course. The professor said his subject encourages students to "understand and appreciate their own values, as well as values of others, society, culture and nature". It sounds fine and dandy until you see his list of 18 guest lecturers consisting of controversial figures, some of whom are seen as aligning themselves with the government. So, if you disagree with them, would you be considered disloyal to Thailand or something? Second, Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang ordered all schools under BMA to have their students sing the royal anthem after they sing the national anthem before classes every morning to remind them of Thailand's three pillars -- nation, religion and monarchy -- which I humbly think the kids are reminded of plenty already.



Singapore court to hear challenges on gay sex ban

Published on 12/11/2019

» KUALA LUMPUR: As a Singapore court prepares to hear a series of legal challenges to a law that bans gay sex, LGBT+ activists on Tuesday called for the "right" verdict to be delivered so similar reforms can be triggered across other parts of Asia.



Check his credentials

News, Postbag, Published on 14/09/2019

» Re: "Thamanat wins PM's backing", (BP, Sept 11). As a reformist, Prime Minister Pra-yut Chan-o-cha should quickly verify Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Capt Thamanat Prompow's claims that he didn't (a) plead guilty to charges of drug trafficking in Australia and (b) didn't serve a four-year jail sentence for his crime, thus disqualifying him from office.



Getting things done in India's messy democracy

Asia focus, Published on 17/06/2019

» The failure of the Indian state to provide basic public services and carry out job-creating infrastructure projects was a prominent theme in the country's recent general election. In this regard, critics often compare India unfavourably to China's seemingly purposeful and effective authoritarian government, despite the recent excesses of President Xi Jinping in consolidating his personal power.