Search Result for “raw”

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It's important to know your onions

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/02/2023

» There was a news photograph recently in which a Filipina bride in Iloilo on the island of Panay carried a bouquet of onions down the aisle rather than flowers. She explained that while flowers would soon be thrown away the onions would last and ensure the newlyweds have something to eat in the ensuing weeks. Now that is a practical housewife.


The Stones just keep rolling along

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/07/2022

» This past week marked the 60th anniversary of the Rolling Stones' first-ever gig which took place at the Marquee club in London. That makes me feel even more wrinkly than usual.


French learn about their Aussie 'mates'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/09/2021

» It is encouraging to learn that it is not just Thailand that gets into deep water involving contracts over submarines. France is most upset with Australia for pulling the plug on a nuclear submarine deal, resulting in various shades of not-so-diplomatic name-calling. Standing out was the rather poignant observation from the recalled French ambassador to Australia that "what makes me sad is that we thought we were mates but we were stabbed in the back".



The most dignified drummer in rock 'n roll

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/08/2021

» We sadly lost two legendary musicians last week with the passing of Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts (80) and singer Don Everly (84).


Mandalay and other magical places

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/04/2021

» Thanks to many readers who came up with their own memories in response to last week's column about places that sounded quite magical as a kid. Mandalay and Kathmandu were definitely the front-runners at grabbing children's imaginations in the old days.


Just another case of terminal madness

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/08/2020

» Last weekend there was bit of a scene at Don Mueang airport when a passenger, after being told he was too late to board a domestic flight, decided the best response was to pick up the AirAsia computer laptop and smash it on the floor. Not a good idea.



Planes that made grandma's house rattle

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/07/2018

» Reports about the Farnborough Air Show which has been taking place in Hampshire this past week brought back some fond memories. Every summer in the 1950s and most of the 60s I would stay at my grandmother's home in the village of Cove, which backs onto Farnborough airfield.



Bunnies, breasts and poor Bridget Jones

Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/10/2017

» So, farewell to the late Hugh Hefner, a man who made a fortune from women dressed as rabbits with cotton tails, bow ties and generous cleavage. It certainly is a funny old world.


Please just stay away from the tea leaves

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/09/2013

» Leading Thai astrologers are reportedly forecasting that the government could be in for bit of a rough time in coming weeks. Apparently the stars aren't in a very auspicious place, although it might simply be that October is fast approaching, a traditionally tricky month for Thai governments.


Time is still on their side ... just about

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/07/2012

» The most disturbing news of last week was the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones first-ever gig, at the Marquee club in London _ July 12, 1962 to be precise. Now, that makes me feel decidedly ancient.