Search Result for “rainy season”

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Everyone’s a faux-tographer!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 18/07/2014

» This past long weekend, I was lucky enough to leave the craziness and chaos of the city behind for the diminishing shoreline and shady tourists at one of Thailand’s many beaches.



A visual guide to the rainy season

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 09/05/2014

» Besides food, talking about the weather is probably one of the favourite topics of Bangkokians. And now that the harsh sun is being pushed out of the way to make room for rain clouds, everyone’s becoming a self-proclaimed meteorologist these days. Well, we hate to be left out of the conversation (even if it’s about something as boring as the climate) so here’s our visual guide on what to expect throughout the rainy season. And yes, that means sometimes you will find yourself standing in a downpour with only a soggy soi dog to keep you company.


Things to look for every rainy season

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 07/06/2013

» It's that season again when everyone can take a break from talking about how hot it is outside to talk about how it looks like it's going to rain outside, how much it's raining outside, and how much it just rained outside! Fun stuff!


The heat is on

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 29/03/2013

» Unless you've been living under an air-conditioned rock, then you've realised it's hotter outside than a plate of green chillies. And with April emerging faster than the perspiration drenching your body, good luck to those who dare to don bright-coloured shirts.


Pictures for a rainy day

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 12/10/2012

» How much do I hate thee rainy season? Let me count the ways. I hate thee because the slightest sprinkling of water floods my damn soi. I hate thee because it always, always rains when I'm about to leave the office. I hate thee because I constantly have to experience soggy feet and wet toes when I walk around the city. I hate thee because the slightest amount of humidity causes my hair to frizz up and get larger than Thaksin's mega ego.