Search Result for “public health”

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Green recovery

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 08/08/2022

» As the world emerges from Covid-19 and faces stagflation and war, climate crisis remains one of the greatest threats to humanity. A green recovery has become a priority for policymakers in Southeast Asia and around the world, who aim to create a more sustainable path that focuses on the environment, climate change and disaster preparedness.



Time for plastic detox

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 09/05/2022

» Anyone who has ever strolled along a beach is familiar with the sight … plastic straws, snack packaging, some of it dating back years, plastic bottles and other junk washed up on the sand. It's enough to spoil your vacation memories -- and it's also part of a global crisis.



Stumbling but hopeful

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 07/03/2022

» Domestic travellers have been the lifeline for tourism-reliant countries, especially in Southeast Asia, for the past two pandemic-battered years. But even as countries start scrapping restrictions to welcome international visitors back, some pandemic uncertainties persist and now a crisis in Ukraine threatens the global economic recovery as a whole.



Second innings

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 21/02/2022

» There are no perpetual competitors in today's complex business world. Talented executives increasingly can be found jumping from one firm to another. Rajiv Ramaswami is a case in point. He worked for Nutanix's competitors before, but now he's thrilled to be leading the global cloud company into its "second innings" as its new CEO.



Labour outlook troubling

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 24/01/2022

» The global labour market has suffered a setback from waves of the pandemic, with the recovery depending on each country's ability to contain and respond to coronavirus outbreaks, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).



Where To Next?

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 10/01/2022

» The world has entered its third year of living with a global pandemic. We have witnessed almost 300 million Covid-19 cases with 5.47 million lives lost, yet the toll might have been much worse but for an almost superhuman global effort to develop effective vaccines in record time.



On the Go Again?

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 25/10/2021

» Winter is coming to the northern hemisphere, and people in North America and Europe normally flock to places that offer them a warm-weather break. It's the high season for tourism in many Asian countries, but one that will only happen in a world without Covid-19.



Care with passion

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 18/10/2021

» There is sometimes a moment in life that changes you forever. It can sometimes define the course of your life. Not many have experienced that lightbulb realisation, but Sigal Atzmon has.



Game on

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 27/09/2021

» Not everyone aspires to a traditional career path, and while getting paid for playing games might sound far-fetched to some, it's becoming a lucrative niche for talented e-sports stars.



Baby Talk

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 06/09/2021

» Growing up by the beach and the South Pacific Ocean, it's impossible not to fall in love with the spectacular scenery and the sport that allows you to enjoy it the most: surfing. But Steven McArthur also loves science, biology in particular. That passion has sustained his trailblazing career as a fertility specialist for three decades.