Search Result for “public debt”

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Anti-Trump op-ed boosts democracy

News, John Lloyd, Published on 10/09/2018

» The good news was well disguised in the anonymous cry of warning against the "amorality" of Donald Trump. A senior administration official, writing as an unnamed columnist in The New York Times, described how he and like-minded colleagues "are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of (the US president's) agenda and his worst inclinations." The message is that democratic habits -- and, crucially, civic decency and responsibility -- can, in step with free journalism, win out over degraded administrations.



The outsized power of Hungary's Premier Orban

News, John Lloyd, Published on 18/06/2018

» Closing a major university is a big deal. Created, staffed and maintained at large, usually public, expense, universities serve both a utilitarian and an idealistic purpose: to provide the highly-educated workforce modern economies require, and to uphold and further civilised values through the understanding of the world the various academic disciplines claim to provide.



Italy's right to make wrong choice

News, John Lloyd, Published on 04/06/2018

» The Italian crisis is over, and has just begun. Its dimensions go far beyond Italy; they are now European, even global. The near three-month long improvisations on a theme of governance ended Thursday with the announcement of an administration headed by Giuseppe Conte, a law professor with no government experience tasked with running a cabinet controlled by the leaders of the two parties which form that administration -- a signal of weak, divided and warring politics at the summit of power for the foreseeable future.



Neglect of rising threats likely to leave toxic legacy

News, John Lloyd, Published on 16/10/2017

» Among many of us in the generations that have done well out of the post-World War Two period, there's now a feeling of guilt -- as there should be.


Merkel sets direction for Europe

News, John Lloyd, Published on 11/09/2017

» Germans will choose a government on Sept 24, and that government is likely to be headed, for the twelfth year running, by Angela Merkel. The uncharismatic 63-year-old from East Germany may not have captured her fellow Germans' hearts, but she has appealed so strongly to their rational selves that polls suggest they find no reason to replace her.