Search Result for “project proposals”

Showing 121 - 127 of 127



NASA wants to measure 'Marsquakes'

AFP, Published on 22/08/2012

» Just 10 days after NASA's Curiosity rover sent back its first color photos of the Martian landscape, the US space agency said Monday it wants in 2016 to take a better look at what's happening beneath the Red Planet's surface.


Difficult days ahead for Europe despite Greek vote

AFP, Published on 18/06/2012

» European leaders face difficult decisions in the days ahead on managing the outcome of the Greek election, upholding their credibility on financial discipline to avoid stoking contagion, and making convincing progress towards a grand plan for deeper integration.


Great Barrier Reef heading for danger: UNESCO

AFP, Published on 02/06/2012

» UNESCO on Saturday urged decisive action from Australia to protect the Great Barrier Reef from a gas and mining boom, warning it risked being put on its list of world heritage sites deemed "in danger".


Amazon to launch its own TV comedies, kid shows

AFP, Published on 03/05/2012

» Amazon unveiled plans Wednesday to launch its own comedy and children's television shows for digital delivery -- and asked customers for ideas.


British woman gears up to row across Pacific

AFP, Published on 18/04/2012

» Briton Sarah Outen is no stranger to adventure, but when she rows out from a small port in Japan this week she will be on her own -- all the way until she reaches Canada.


Icelanders hand in draft of world's first 'web' constitution

AFP, Published on 30/07/2011

» A group of 25 ordinary citizens on Friday presented to Iceland's parliamentary speaker a new constitution draft, which they compiled with the help of hundreds of others who chipped in online.


Pentagon looks to social media as new battlefield

AFP, Published on 21/07/2011

» The Pentagon is asking scientists to figure out how to detect and counter propaganda on social media networks in the aftermath of Arab uprisings driven by Twitter and Facebook.