Search Result for “professors”

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Sticky situation

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 23/11/2020

» The rice paddy of Daeng Dee Farm in Lampang’s Hang Chat district turns golden yellow. Within a week, the farm owner Saman Supukkawanich, 55, will harvest a new glutinous rice variety known as the hom naga.




Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/03/2020

» Many student protests that were partly set off by the dissolution of Future Forward Party over the past two weeks has also ushered in new hashtags into the lexicon of Thai social media. At the time of writing, it has been reported that there are 28 hashtags associated with campus protests. Some are humourous while others carry strong political stances and sharp gibes. Whether you agree with these students who've chosen to make their voices heard, it's better to get used to their protest hashtags as more student flashmobs are on their way (but many speculate that the designation of Covid-19 as a dangerous communicable disease may be used as a tool to suppress them). Not to mention, an online campaign calling for people to wear black on Fridays as a symbol to oppose dictatorship began last Friday.



Winged migration

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 04/11/2019

» On a raised wooden platform on Khao Dinso, a 350m-high hill along a coastline of the Gulf of Thailand in Chumphon province, a group of international birdwatchers are waiting to see raptor migration since dawn's break. Every year about a million birds migrate during autumn from cold lands in Russia or China, passing Khao Dinso in Thailand to the tropical islands of Indonesia to find food.



Experts warn of 'endless' flood cycle

News, Supoj Wancharoen, Published on 21/09/2019

» Engineers have warned that Thailand will remain trapped in a cycle of flooding unless the government expands natural catchment areas, raises flood embankments and builds more underground drainage systems.


Villages interpret late King's philosophy

News, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 13/10/2018

» Love for King Bhumibol Adulyadej, or Rama IX, is still running deep among Thais two years after the highly revered monarch passed away at the age of 88 on Oct 13, 2016.



Putting Thai food to the test

Life, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 21/09/2018

» The clock on the wall turned 10am. The ambience around the student centre building at a Nairobi university was dormant and calm, except a training kitchen where groups of young people, all wearing aprons and caps, busily made a dish. Some measured ingredients while their buddies read recipes out loud; others putt meat into the pot. The scene was almost chaotic with sounds of utensils clanking and bite-sized meat sizzling on frying pans.



Govt set to smoke out cannabis effect

News, Post Reporters, Published on 11/05/2018

» A draft narcotics code drawn up by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) which will permit medical research on the effects of cannabis on humans will be put before the cabinet next week.