Search Result for “pretty faces”

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Hittin' the curves

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 15/09/2016

» The long wait is over. With the Thailand Gravity Series (TGS) kicking off this weekend, downhill mountain bikers all over the Kingdom, elite and average alike, are hungry for action. The first of this year's four-race series will take place at Khao Phra, an otherwise unknown hill for people outside of Suphan Buri's Doem Bang Nang Buat district.


Getting to know familiar strangers

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 21/01/2016

» On my way to work I have to pass Victory Monument where I use the elevated pedestrian walkway to reach the BTS station. At the northern end of the walkway, I always pick up a copy of M2F from a newsboy who is positioned there every weekday morning to hand out the free newspaper to passers-by. I need something interesting to read during idle time on the Skytrain and the paper is much better for the eyes than the mobile screen. Besides, I want to check out if the newsboy is doing his job properly.


Making it to the podium

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 15/05/2014

» It’s been more than 10 years since I took up downhill mountain biking. So, despite being 46 years old, I thought the time was definitely ripe for me to once and for all get myself a place on the National Championship podium.


The hidden gateway

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 12/04/2012

» Hidden in a secluded narrow passage between the limestone cliff faces, sheltered beneath a towering natural arch as tall as the mountains that conceal it from the outside world, the "ancient" Chinese way station down below not only looks as if it has always been there for centuries but also adds entrancing magic to this mystifying sanctum.


Learning Young

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 02/04/2012

» Taking a rest after a pretty steep uphill walk in western China, I spotted these two boys right across from where I sat. One of them was so engrossed in what he's holding in his left palm, while his friend was watching with atmost attention.